We went to IKEA today for their labor day free breakfast (which Lucy pronounces "breakis"). It's really quite pathetic. We were so very excited to go and had planned for days for our very exciting free breakfast. What is the original cost of this free breakfast you ask? A whopping .99 cents!! We had a total savings of 3 bucks and we acted like we won the lotto. Oh, and Bree came with us too.
In the car we played a CD Christian got when he went to Vacation Bible school this summer. There is a song that goes: "There is power in the blood, power in the blood" , but when Lucy sings it, it sounds like "There is power in the butt, power in the butt" Then there is one that goes: "He is Lord, Lord, Lord" which she sings "He is Ward, Ward, Ward." Plus she has a remix version of the same song which is "He is Smores, Smores, Smores."
Now we are all bathed and in our 'jamas sitting down for some "Empire Strikes Back"
Look! It's Elizabef !
Me (tearing up) : I love you so much baby and I just want you to know how very proud daddy and I...
Christian (interupting): Look mommy, it's Elizbef ! *runs away*
Maybe in the second grade he'll learn how to pronounce his /th/ sound. Isn't there someone on campus that works on that stuff?
Here he is ready to take on the world.
4 months
Baby Pickle turned 4 months old today! I can hardly believe it. When you are pregnant 4 months is an eternity and then you have the baby and it flies by! He is still very physically advanced. Neither of my other 2 kids were doing what he does at this point. He acts more like he is 6 or 7 months. If he starts walking at 9 months I might have to spend extra time at work each day!
Speaking of work, all is going well so far. The school I work at is great..everyone is so nice and helpful. Occasionally I have moments of anxiety but for the most part I still think it was the best move possible for our family. Graham seems to be happy at home with the kids and they haven't really notice much change at all! As a matter of fact, they are probably happier. I love being a mom and I think I am pretty good at it, but Graham has always been more "engaged" than me. He is more apt to play hide and seek or Monopoly than me...I'm usually too busy cleaning!
We had a fun weekend...Yesterday we went to a place called Ready, Set, Play. It has a whole bunch of those inflatable jumping things for kids to play in and then a bunch of comfy couches for the parents to sit in. Our very best friend Shannon was in town and her mom decided to celebrate her 50-something birthday at this place with her granddaughters and their friends. Lucy stayed pretty confined to the under-3 area and Christian ran around having a big time with Natalie (Shannon's youngest). We will definitely have to go back!! Today we just did the ever-fun things like cleaning and laundry...see, I told you I never have time to do fun things.
Then tonight we mourned the loss of our beloved Olympics. Definitely sad to see them go but boy did we make some memories. I very clearly remember being in our little house in Elberfeld, Indiana watching the 1984 Olympics and hoping that some day I would be just like Mary Lou Retton. Of course, at no point in my life have I been able to do so much as a somersault and being nearly 5 foot 10 doesn't do much for your gymnastic career either but I sure did wish it was me. I just hope that at nearly 34 years old Christian looks back at the 2008 games and remembers his little house in Round Rock and what it felt like to dream big.
Christian has been going to the YMCA this week for a little day camp. He has been having a big time and today when I picked him up he had a necklace on with flowers. Now, my son is not the "manliest" of boys, but a flower necklace is pushing it even for him. Well sure enough when he walks up to us he takes the necklace off, puts it on Lucy and says "Here Lucy, I made this for you today." he not the sweetest boy ever??
The fever
We officially have the Olympic (or wimpic, as Lucy says) fever around here. It all started last Friday when Graham stood in front of the TV for 2 hours- and I do mean STOOD..he wouldn't even sit down- to see the New Zealand team walk in. Finally at 10:30 at night, with as much giddiness as a little boy, he saw his flag bearer walk in. Then the lovely TV announcer says "Alright, well as New Zealand comes in, we will head to commercial." The look on Graham's face was priceless and I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants. Poor poor Graham.
So here we are one week in and we are addicted. Graham was even watching badminton today...Really? Badminton? Christian and Lucy are all about the swimming and they love love Michael Phelps. And who doesn't? The other night I woke Christian up to come watch Michael (we are on a first name basis) race with me. I'm so glad I did. It felt like one of those moments that he will remember for the rest of his life... at least I hope so.
I just completed my first week at my new job. I'm a speech pathologist at an elementary school in the district that I grew up in. This week was mostly just orientation stuff but exciting none the less. I loved my job at the private clinic, but this feels more like a career than just a job. I took a picture of my room today. It looks very very sad in this picture especially when I looked around at some of the teachers rooms. I'm pretty sure that teachers take an entire course in college on room decoration. I share the room with a girl who will be working part time in the same room. I haven't even met her yet but she and I spoke on the phone and we already had a conversation that went something like this:
"Feel free to decorate in any way you like."
"No, really, you go right ahead."
"No no, I insist."
Yeah, so maybe we can pay a kindergarten teacher to come in and do something about this:
45 days
There are 3 temperatures here in Texas: Hot, Hotter and DAAAAAAYUM. We are currently in the middle of the latter of the three. 45 days of summer over 100 degrees - hottest summer in 83 years. Christian and I don't enjoy sweating so this makes us very grumpy. Lucy and Graham are fine and Wyatt, well he is putting some serious thought into alternative forms of energy. Here he is deep in thought:
B2S and Starbucks
Today we did our traditional Sunday morning. First we went to church. We love our church for many reasons, not the least of which are the free Round Rock Donuts. Then, we take our donuts and head to Starbucks to see our Daddy. We love our daddy for many reasons, not the least of which are the free drinks!
An invitation to stalkers
Tonight I told Graham that I wanted to start a blog. "Why?" he said with a bit of disgust in his voice. "So that your mom and other family can check in and see what we are doing each week," I said proudly. He then proceeds in telling me that he doesn't like to display our lives on the internet in case "people from his past" were trying to hunt him down. I politely chuckle to myself (I hot does he think he is?). Personally, I don't feel very stalker-worthy and am quite confident that only family will be interested in this. Hell, I bet even some family members will be less than interested!
So, prior to our conversation about all the women out there who are still pining over Graham (boy, is he going to kill me for this), we went to Luby's for dinner. For our foreign friends, Luby's is a cafeteria style restaurant filled with old ladies and good iced tea. We had some decent food and a lovely waiter who told a riveting story of the nice Canadians he met back in the 70s when he smoked a lot of pot. So, remember kids: Smoke Pot = Work at Luby's. Anyway, I felt a wealth of pride when my kids acted as though this was the finest dinning experience of their lives. Christian couldn't believe that you got your food right waiting! And Lucy loved the blue Jello at "Buby's"
We didn't take any pictures at dinner but I do have a couple recent ones to share. The first is of sweet big brother reading a goodnight story and the second is of Lucy cooking. Enjoy!
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