
About 6 months ago my job changed a little bit and I went from a full time employee to contract. This means NO benefits. I am no longer accumulating PTO but I did get to keep the PTO that I had. So, using the very last of my PTO, I took the next two days of work off!! To do what, you ask...trip to the Bahamas? Quality time with the kids? organizing.

Seriously, not only was my house dirty, but I'm the queen of home projects that never get finished.

The festivities began today when cleaned the pantry. This is riveting stuff people!!

Now, tomorrow, I tackle the baseboards in the kitchen. The tile was laid last week and it looks great, but I still have to do the baseboards, quarter round and transition piece. Fear not...I know how to use a chop saw AND a nail gun. Scary!

A Unicorn, A Unicorn!!

Ok...really it's just snow in Texas!

Lucy was not a fan of the snowball fight.

The princess and the helmet

It was haircut day today!! We have just let Lucy's hair grow and grow and grow. While I love her hippie-look, it was really getting hard to manage.

This picture doesn't fully capture how incredibly cute she is!! Also, her new bangs have some rockin' purple gel in them. Oh, and yes, that is a skull and crossbones outside the salon. The name of the place is Trashy Roots...totally appropriate for a 5-year old yes?

My dramatic results were a bit more dramatic than I hoped!! Here is my before.

Here is my remarkably short and remarkably helmet-like after:


My Meemaw's favorite thing to do was hold us down and lick our ears. We would giggle and giggle and giggle and it didn't matter how many times we would say "I'm going to pee my pants," she would just keep licking. I remembering feeling like I wasn't going to be able to stand it anymore and just as it was on the verge of being less fun and more miserable, she would stop...and then I couldn't wait for her to do it again. I can't remember a time when I laughed so hard.

Happy Birthday Uncle Davin

In honor of your big day, I shall plant my face directly into the cheesecake.
Screw forks!

happy valentine's day!


Wyatt was extremely happy to have cinnamon rolls for breakfast! Later in the afternoon, Graham and I went to see a movie and Bree and Pa took the kids to see Princess and the Frog. It was Wyatt's first movie and the results were as follows: Didn't watch the movie but was good enough that other people could, played with drink the entire time, pooped 10 minutes before end of movie. All in all a good time!

He's a brave man

Stupid...but brave

Look out SRV

Here comes CDS

basket of love

We have a monthly meeting at work and every month we draw a name. If your name is drawn you get a basket of goodies at the next meeting. This was my month and in an effort to show how much they really know me, my basket included 4 bottles!

Shopping spree

Two years ago we redid the kitchen but never got around to (or had the money for) the floor. Today, after TWO YEARS of concrete floors, we bought the tile. Now...who will actually install it?

We are only 6 months into our garage conversion but it has already proven to be a procrastinator's dream as well. So, the fabric that is supposed to have a home in the garage lives in our living room currently.

I'd love to say that the garage is finished and I cleaned up that corner but I can only claim half. The corner is clean and hopefully the garage won't take two years!

5 years

You never really can know the best way to tell your son that the daddy he has always known is not his biological father. We have always gone out of our way to be very honest with Christian and told him that the man that helped mommy make him couldn't take care of him so his daddy went to the judge and said he would.
I met Graham the week before I found out I was pregnant. He met Christian for the first time when he was 1 and we were married when he was 2 1/2. He has never called anyone else Daddy and he has never called Graham anything but Daddy.
Every year he seems to "get it" more and more but I know the hard questions are probably coming soon. Thing is...we are so lucky. The questions will be hard, but the answer will be easy - Your daddy loves you. He hears it every day and he knows it to be true. This is something I have no doubts about.
Happy 5th anniversary to father and son!
