We survived!!
It's our busiest time of the year and we just barely made it. First up, we had Wyatt's pre-K program where most kids sang but Wyatt just stood there. I didn't get any pictures because I forgot my camera (gasp!). Ah well, he needs to get used to it being the third kid and all. Then, we had Lucy's violin recital and she was beautiful and fabulous as always. Again, I forgot my camera so this is just a crappy iPhone picture.
Next, we had Lucy's Christmas dance program.
Then, Christian's choir concert.
Then, Christian's guitar recital.
Did I mention that all of this happened in one week? No problem, we survived it all with the help of our good friend, Steve Jobs.
Photography Friday
Started with the dog who was completely uncooperative.
So, then I added in Graham. Who was helpful, but doesn't like it when I post pictures of his somewhat bald head.
Then we moved on to pastey-white children with blonde hair. I haven't completely worked out how to not wash her out but I did shoot these all in Manual mode which I am quite proud of!
I'm getting there. Slowly. But getting there.
One of the benefits of working in an elementary school is that you get to have fun days like "International Children's Day." Different countries were represented and I got "Henna'd" in India. Super fun!
I hate to toot my own horn...
But, tooty toot toot I'm so proud of this blanket!! I call it the "Meemaw"
Photo fun!
Wednesday night is dance night and it lasts for an hour and a half!! SHEESH..the things we do for our kids!! A couple of weeks ago, a new restaurant opened two doors down. Now that we have happy hour, 1.5 hours doesn't seem so bad. Christian and I have gone a couple of times for drinks and chips and salsa and today I brought along my camera to play around with my new lens. This first pic is not my best composed picture but it's the only one where Christian has a decent expression - he truly is the world's worst model.
Then we went back down to watch Lucy some. Again, not the greatest photo but I just would like to point out that I took this picture of her dancing with NO flash..indoors! Amazing!
The next one was a bit tricky and still needs a little work but I love it!
THEN, I discovered this website called Picnik Do people know about this? Am I totally late to the party? I LOVE it!! It's how I got the above pictures to have rounded corners (although, the effect was ruined once I uploaded them to the blog...I'll have to keep working on it). But, more importantly, it's how I managed this little gem:
Sight Words
Lucy's teacher said she needed to work on memorizing some of her "sight words" and the "teen" numbers (she wants to say thirty for 13, etc.) so I wrote them on the mirror in dry erase for her to practice after bath. She finds this most fun!
World's Greatest Jungle Gym
Graham and I are a bit notorious for having the most ridiculous fights ever. It's almost as though we are looking to see who can be the most nonsensical person on the planet. Take, yesterday (my birthday BTW), as an example.
Graham: What's happening tonight?
Kelli: I've told you a thousand times, I want Chuy's for dinner.
Graham: I know, but WHAT'S happening?
Kelli: CHUY'S!!!!
Kelli: My parents are coming over and WE ARE GETTING CHUYS!!!
Graham: But, who is picking it up?
Kelli: Ok, "Who is picking it up?" is a very different question than "What's happening?"
...and it goes on and on and on and on....
At one point in the evening my mom said "Why are you guys married again?"
People, even at his most nonsensical (and, lets face it, I totally was right on that one. really!!), how could I not love this man.
Seriously, the commitment on the above face to the "c'mon Wyatt let me show you how to jump" alone is enough to keep me married to him for at least another 9!
Mom always loved you best
She really isn't my favorite. It's just that this is what I get with the boys:
Bathroom distraction
Congratulations Jaimie and Shidan!!!
My friend Jaimie is getting married in a few short weeks and I had a bridal shower for her this morning. There was about 4000 things I wanted to do, and I did about 4...which is a pretty good percentage for me.
First up, she needed a "blingy" J. This was Lucy's favorite thing.
Then, I found some great boxes at Michaels that I decoupaged with pictures of the happy couple (Jaimie was quick to point out that these were illegal reproductions of professional prints).
Bree was kind enough to make me some little signs for the food.
Something Blue
Happy Guests
The beautiful bride-to-be and our beautiful friend, Shannon
Cowgirl cookies "to-go"
It was a lot of fun and I was so happy to get to do it!! Now...back to that bathroom....
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