Happy White Trashiversary!
It started with a kiddie pool and an awning - in the FRONT yard.
Then, I got a little thirsty so I made a little beverage.
The kids were having fun in the pool...
But then Wyatt got hungry...
Got a bucket of chicken...
and ate it as we lounged...
We each had a fork and just passed around the mac-n-cheese.
When the food came, the flies got bad. This disturbed Lucy...
Good thing I had gotten all that free fly paper.
I'm not really a person motivated by stuff. I like stuff, I have stuff, there is more stuff I would like to have, but it isn't really what keeps me moving. We get by...we even get by with a few extras...but there isn't a lot fancy about our lives. Generally, I don't get jealous of other peoples' stuff but I do have my weak moments. Especially with the addition of Facebook in our lives it's easy to see what other people have and wish that I had the same. Seeing people I grew up with in their fancy houses with their fancy pools that don't blow away when it's windy, it's easy to feel a twinge of jealousy. It's easy to wonder 'Should I do more? Should I do more so that I can HAVE more?' Then I have days like today, days that remind me that I have all the "more" I'm ever going to need!
Camera Strap
Yes, yes I have spent more time accessorizing my new camera than I have spent actually using it!
AFS #11
The reality is that I'll never be a true Extreme Couponer. Why? Well, I'm just not willing to trade my fresh fruits and vegetables for sports drinks and frozen food. When I went to the grocery store last night, approximately 60% of what I bought was from the produce and meat sections. Places where you never find coupons. I'm not discouraged though, today I headed to GreenWalls and spent $6.47 but got $11.99 back in register rewards for next time! Nevermind the fact that I don't use any of these drugs...I prefer wine.
AFS #10
All of this for $1.87 (models not included)
Thursday is usually a big night for me - I usually go to a bar and knit. That's right...a bar...and knitting. Wild and crazy eh? Well, tonight was even more wild and crazy. The bar that I knit at...yes, bar and knitting....is in downtown Austin and sometimes I just don't feel like making the drive. So tonight I had a different kind of outing.
First I went to CVS and got 2 deodorants and 4 body washes for $.08 (Earlier this evening I thought it was so funny that I was taking my second shower of the day. I thought "This is a great way to use up all that body wash I keep getting." Then I realized it was actually my FIRST shower of the day and it suddenly wasn't funny). After CVS I headed to Walgreens because we were out of Mayo. They had a sale on 2 plus I had both a manufacturer coupon and a Walgreens coupon so I got them both for a dollar.
Next I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond because they have the coffee I like and I had a $5 off coupon. Then next door to Ulta to buy shampoo and conditioner. They were buy 2 get one free and I had a 20% off coupon. No real earth shattering savings at either of these stores but it's stuff I would have bought anyway.
Then, finally, I went to Target and got the Cotenelle wipes for free because I signed up to get a free coupon in the mail (and let me tell you, there are certain people in this house whose bowel habits indicate a need for said wipes). I also got the bug spray at Target for $.49 because I had both a Target coupon and a manufacturer coupon.
What isn't pictured is two card games that I scored. I had a coupon for buy a card game/get one free that I'm going to give the kids for their last day of school tomorrow. THEN after all this shopping, I stopped at Chik-Fil-A because I had a coupon for a free spicy chicken sandwich.
Now all of this might prompt you to ask some questions: Do you really have that much time on your hands? Yes! Are you really that much of a loser? Yes! And, do you need to be medicated? Totally.
AFS #9
I can explain the detergent, but not that hat!
Laundry detergent on sale at CVS for $1.98. I had 2 $1 off coupons. THEN I had $2 in Extra Care Bucks. Didn't even swipe my card!
Honor Roll
As we were leaving I said "Wyatt, Christian is such a smart boy. Are you a smart boy?"
He says sternly "I not smart boy, I Wyatt!!"
He says sternly "I not smart boy, I Wyatt!!"
AFS #8
Graham wanted to know if we were starting a factory.
BBQ sauce on sale for $1 and I had FIVE $1 off coupons. Five Free!
Look to the Cookie
One would think that one would give the happy couple the cookies...but, one would be wrong. I'm eating them with a glass of wine as we speak.
Also, Christian is way into Michael Jackson right now and he's been learning "Black and White" on his guitar. This cookie is specially made for him!
AFS #7
FREE modesty patches!
Someone at work was asking me about the register rewards at Walgreens and how they work. So, today we did a simple transaction to try and explain. The Gillette body wash was buy 3 for $10 and get $3 in register rewards and the Softsoap body wash was buy 2 for $6 and get $4 in register rewards. The RRs are not coupons really...they work exactly like cash on your next purchase. So, this is how today's went. My original balance was a little over $16. Then I had three $2 off coupons for the Gillette body wash. This brought the balance down to a little over $10. THEN I had a $5 register reward from my last purchase that I used. Final total was $5.40...BUT WAIT...there is more. I paid the $5.40 and the machine printed my $3 and $4 RRs. The woman behind me actually said "Wow! That is awesome!"
Indeed it is :)
AFS #6
Super Fly
I do not NEED fly paper, I do not USE fly paper, I have not SEEN fly paper since 1983. But it was FREE! Actually, it was more than free. It was 98 cents at Walmart and I had four $1 off coupons so with my four boxes I made $.08!
In other news, 2 of the 3 Free Shit Models are sick as is Mr. Free Shit.
If these wheels could talk
Monday: Soccer practice
Wednesday: Violin lesson
Thursday: Guitar Lesson then
Dance recital rehearsal
Friday: Violin Recital rehearsal
Saturday: Soccer game then
Group violin lesson then
Dance recital then
(interruption of regular schedule for Wyatt to vomit)
Grocery Store
Sunday: Violin Recital.
And again....totally worth it
Bag Lady
So, armed with some scraps I had around the house....
....and a purse I bought at Target years ago....
....I now have a lovely carrying case for my camera. Next up...photography classes!
Totally worth it
'tisms (she was afraid the music was going to be too loud)
I feel pretty
The Lullaby of Broadway
Sticking your tongue out helps whilst dancing.
AFS #5
We got FREE pizza for dinner, Wyatt. Watcha think of that?
We have something called "Morgan's Deal" which is similar to Groupon. I had a free $10 coupon and then there was Morgan's Deal that was spend $10 get $20. So, I ordered it and used my $10 which made tonight FREE pizza night! YUMMY!
So NOT free!
I have been wanting a DSLR camera for quite some time now but it has been out of reach...until now. There are probably a million other things that I could have done with some extra money, but this is what I chose - so there ya go.
Have no clue how to use it yet, but expect much improved pictures!
AFS #4
Am I right ladies?
We had our first $0 transaction today!! We got 2 boxes of pantiliners (above) for $.99 but we had two $1.00 coupons. Then, we got a gallon of milk which was on sale for $2.99 and used our $3 off extra care bucks (from CVS). Total on the receipt $0.00. Yeehaw!
AFS #3
My model was napping, so we improvised.
I really didn't expect to have this many posts about free shtuff but, once you start looking, they are everywhere!! Ivory soap was on sale for $.97 and I had a coupon for $1.00 off - so I made $.03. Whoohoo!
AFS #2 (Walgreens)
This is Christian's excited face!
After school today we went to Walgreen's (or Greenwalls as Lucy calls it) because of the "FREE FLOSS." You see, floss was on sale for $2 and then I got a $2 "reward"- which is just basically a coupon for $2 off next purchase. So, I was really only out the $.17 for tax. BUT this, of course, got my wheels turning. Later, when we went to guitar lessons I just dropped Christian off and headed back to Greenwalls (Have I ever mentioned that I get a little obsessive about stuff?). Bodywash was buy one get one, but I also had a B1G1 coupon so they were FREE! Graham is never going to stink! Lastly, they had a razor for $9.89 but I had a $4 off coupon AND I got another "reward" for $5 PLUS I used my $2 off from the floss. So, for my total haul today, with tax, I spent a grand total of $1.83. WHOOHOO. Does the math of it all make your head spin? 'Cuz it kind of makes me geek out.
Why do you build me up....
Loved the pattern, although it doesn't call for interfacing which made it a little "flimsy." Ah well, the new owner gets it for free, so no complaining!
I love me some bad TV and one of my new favorite obsessions is Extreme Couponing. I mean, who doesn't want 104 bags of croutons for a dollar? A DOLLAR! So, I promptly bought a newspaper on Sunday and clipped my coupons (which, by the way, I now pronounce "Koo-pons" instead of "Q-pons") and planned my first outing. If you don't have a CVS, you should be really really sad. I went there today and my haul makes me very very happy! I didn't get 104 bags of croutons but I did get the following: 2 tubes of toothpaste, 2 body washes, a razor and Tide stain remover. Guess how much I paid? A DOLLAR!
So, over the summer, my lovely assistants and I are going to play a game called "Adventures in Free Shit" (although, I guess I should call it "Stuff" in front of said lovely assistants). It's not exactly a summer vacay in Disneyland but it will get us out of the house.
2 legit 2 quit
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