What a stud!
If I ever start a band I'm going to name it "Panties in My Wall"
That's right, I found panties in my wall today. I'm quite certain I don't want to know how they got there.
Here is the rest of the scorecard for day two:
Time spent: about 5 hours with frequent breaks
Money spent: ZERO
Injuries: None
Times I had to use the NetiPot to remove drywall dust: Three
Cakeballs consumed: 5-7
bathroom, day one
Haha...that title makes it sound like I intend to actually be using the bathroom for more than one day.
But, no. This is not a post about colon difficulties. It is, however, something equally unpleasant. This bathroom:
I was a bit late with the "before" pictures but the above two pictures adequately show the 1985 tile, the 1985 shell-shaped sink and all around grossness of the bathroom we have lived with for 10 years.
Today I was able to remove all the tile from the shower, remove the mirror (which revealed some awesome wallpaper action) and scrape the popcorn ceiling.
So far, so good. Here's the scorecard thus far:
Time spent: ALL day
Money spent: $2.97 for safety glasses
Trips to Home Depot: One
Injuries: Cut on leg of unknown origin
Curse words: 5-7
Christian and I have slaved and slaved over our garden. This is our first reward! It was yummy!
Welcome to Missouri
Please deposit your bumper on the way out of town!
Last Tuesday we headed out for the big Botsch family vacation. Graham had to stay behind an extra day and ride with my parents. So, myself and the three little ones headed off on our own. Tuesday was pretty fabulous. We took our time and stopped when we needed to. We stopped in Oklahoma for the night and then headed out the next morning. Not 30 minutes after I had thought "Man, this has been quite enjoyable" we were hit by another car. Nothing major, just enough to have to call the police and do the whole deal. My bumper was pretty beat up but it was still attached. Well...until about an hour later when it fell half way off on a highway. I pulled over, kicked the crap out of it to knock it completely off and then threw it in the back of the van. Hillbilly vacation people! Hill. Billy.
The time together with family was awesome, even with a busted car. Hopefully we can do it again soon with a little less drama!
AFS #18 and #19
Sponsored by Curtains gone Wrong
From Walgreens and CVS this weekend...I spent a little over $4 total for 2 mens deodorant, 1 body wash, 1 shower "puff" thingy, air freshener, 2 candybars, 2 shaving creams (that came with a free razor). 2 women's razor and 2 toothbrushes.
I also spent a lot of time this weekend replacing my horrible vertical blinds with curtains. I HATE my sliding glass door...like, really HATE it. The vertical blinds drove me crazy and I thought some curtains would make me feel better about it...they don't. Something isn't right about them. Bree says it's that the sheers aren't full enough and I need one more panel. I think she is right but they sheers I had bought were expensive and, oddly, different lengths. So, today I took them back and got something cheaper and we had another little shopping spree at Target and Walmart.
The Sierra Mist was on sale for $2.75 and I had a $1 off coupon = 1.75
Vitamin water, coupon for buy 2 get 1 free = 1 each
Pantiliners *, 89 cents with coupon for 75 cents off = 14 cents each
2 Sharpies for $1 with $1 off coupon = FREE
10 pack pens for 1.02 with $1 off coupon = .02 cents
2 cascade dish soap 3 packs for .97 cents with $1 off coupon = made .03 on each!!
I haven't hung up the new curtains yet, but my guess is I won't like them either.
*I'm pretty sure at this rate that by the end of the summer my panties are going to be lined for life!!
Fourth Fashion Show
As you can see, she recently branched out into mens wear and accessories!
AFS #17
$4.15 and a missing toof
Things have been a little slow in the ways of free shtuff lately, as evidence by my lack of posting. I'm just a little uninspired by toothpaste and body wash.
Peanut butter and tampons, however, I can totally get behind!!! First we went to CVS and got tampons and 2 toothbrushes for $2.15 plus we got back $4 for next time. Then at Walgreens we got FOUR things of peanut butter and dishwashing detergent for $2...no money back on this one but I couldn't pass up such a great deal on peanut butter! The biggest news, though, is that our CVS receipt shows us our savings for the year. We are now at $118 and Christian is just beside himself with excitement. He's using the receipt as a bookmark so he can keep looking at it.
Later today we went to a pool party and almost immediately Christian showed me a tooth that was barely hanging on. I, of course, had to pull it immediately - in the middle of the party. Later, I stripped Wyatt naked outside to change him. We are KUH-lassy guests!!
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