
We have much to be thankful this holiday season! We have our three beautiful children.

One of whom has learned to stand up!!

And tonight we were very thankful that daddy was able to realize a dream. We anxiously awaited his US radio debut in Christian's room. Right before he was on air for the first time one of our favorite songs played. Here is Lucy singing along!

Ice cream!

Graham decided to give the kids an ice cream treat last night. One kid was particularly interested:

Here he is trying not to look guilty:

And, here is daddy giving in...because that is what daddys do!!

Boy oh boy

Today Christian's art teacher told me that she held up a picture of Marilyn Manroe and asked if anyone knew who she was. My boy said "I don't know...but she sure is sexy"

Oh brother.....

My day off

I took Friday off from work so that I could do some stuff around the house. I'm not sure what got me so motivated but, in the end, it all got a little out of hand! I decided that it was time to scrape the lovely popcorn ceiling off our 1985 house. Doesn't it make you want to cough just looking at it??

I was able to do almost all of the dining room and living room on Friday and then Saturday morning I had Graham get the really high spots in the living room. I decided he was so very good at it that he can tackle the bedrooms all by himself!

So, then the carpet was really disgusting so I rip it all up in preparation for the laminate flooring that we bought 6 weeks ago that continues to just sit in piles in our living room. THEN last night I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. working on the laminate flooring. However, you will not see a picture of my progress on that because after staying up late, working on it ALL day today, and many many curse words later...i've barely made any progress. It's a pretty tough job that I just haven't 100% figured out yet. I will master it though!!! Then, after that (which I'm guessing will be some time around 2011) It will be time to repaint. The chocolate milk color has to go.

Now, just in case you aren't totally impressed with my home remodeling skills...I also knit a sweater. Okay, okay, I didn't actually knit the whole thing this weekend but I did finish it up.

It doesn't look great in this picture because Lucy was a reluctant model..but you get the picture.

So, there you go...that's what I did this weekend. Take that Martha Stewart!

Stolen thunder

For a month now I have been working on the kids Halloween costumes and the whole time I was thinking of all the cute, fun and witty things I was going to say on my blog about them. There was going to be anecdotes and a nice build up from Luke to Leia to the grand finale of Yoda. However, my dad sent out pictures last night before I even got a chance to put the kids to bed. So now all the cute, fun and witty things have been reduced to: Here's more pictures of the kids...hope you aren't sick of them yet!