
As we all know, Graham likes to carry around fruit...doesn't eat it...just carries it around.

Apparently last night he left a bag out in the living room with an apple that he had been carrying around for days.

Wyatt found the apple and acted as though he had found a pot of gold! He was thrilled!
Unlike daddy, he ate it!!

little kiwi tree

About six months ago I got a brilliant idea to open a fabric store. I love to craft...i'm passionate about it and years ago Oprah told me ( and Oprah "talk") that if you are passionate about something you will be good at it. Simple concept really, but not all of us pay attention.

Don't get me wrong, I like my "real" job but it's just a job. The kids are sometimes fun, but sometimes they spit... and they always keep me from my own kids.

Opening a real life store is a bit daunting so I decided to start with an online store. There are many fun fabrics that you cannot just go to Joann's or Hobby Lobby and purchase...they have to be purchased online or at a specialty store. So, I saved my pennies, bought a bunch of it wholesale and started a website. It's been a long process and I'm still not completely happy with the website (what Oprah forgot to mention is that following your passion is time consuming and nearly impossible when you have 3 kids), but the site is up and running!! No orders yet, but I haven't really done much marketing. So far I have fabric, yarn and patterns which I just got in today.

The store also links to another blog I have created for crafty things only. Even though my kids are supercute and this blog is superfun, I figured I better keep the crafty from the kids and the kids from the crafty as to not annoy anyone.

All that to say: TADA!!!

Sunday Tea

Lucy and her dollies had a little Sunday tea of them forgot to put on their knickers! How embarrassing!

Sweating like a cheese.

Last night we went to Pluckers for dinner. They serve wings, but Christian and Lucy opted for the corn dog. The kids had fun but it was a bit hot and Wyatt was a bit grouchy.

Then, today as the temperatures rose even higher (It's like AFRICA hot) we were lucky enough to get a tip that it's free SLURPEE day at 7-11. Wyatt was quite pleased with this discovery!!