Ode to the ugly shoes

Ugly shoes, Ugly shoes
Oh ya make me holla
Cuz even though you ugly
Ya only cost nine dolla


How lazy are you considered to be when the actual act of hooking the camera up to the computer in order to download the pictures is just too much to bear?

I've been knitting all day and reading Eat, Pray, Love (yes, I can knit and read at the same time...extreme talent!) The kids went a bit stir crazy because it was too cold to play outside. My heart soared today many times...the kids were definitely driving me crazy but I am constantly amazed by Christian. I have never in my life met a brother who is so kind to his sister. I would apologize to my own brother for this statement...but he knows he does not hold the title. Yes, Christian gets frustrated that Lucy is always in his space and bugging him but he consistently goes out of his way for her. Today he wanted to play Wii and then immediately put in her Princess game and helped her play. At noon: "Come on Lucy, I'll make your lunch." Now...how do I make this stick through the teenage years? Better yet, how do I get him to offer to make MY lunch?

Which is worse...

The ugly bike helmet or the big zit on my nose?

I wouldn't do this for Coors Light

In 1998 I was working at Spaghetti Warehouse and for many months I would hang out at this coffee shop downtown (I mean, it was the height of the Friends era after all). I would generally see my friend Greg there and he and I would sit and chat for hours on end. One night I made the proclamation that I really wanted to ride in a 100 mile bike ride. Greg thought this was a great idea and was really encouraging...I promptly went out and bought my first bike since I was 13. It was a mountain bike though...because, again, it was the 90s...not sure how I thought I was going to ride for 100 miles on that thing.

Anyway, in a non-bike related story, I later developed somewhat of a crush on Greg. For months I went to that damn coffee shop laying the groundwork for my big move (I had NO moves, so what this big move was is beyond me). Anyway, one night when I thought things were going really well another girl we knew showed up. I knew she had a bit of a crush on Greg too so I was immediately nervous. Well, sure enough, within 5 minutes she had made plans to go out with him TWICE!! I was disgusted with her and disgusted with me...I got up to go to the bathroom...I had to get out of there!! Two steps away from the table, while both Greg and his new lady friend looked on, I promptly tripped and fell flat on my face. I never went to that coffee shop again.

So here we are 12 years later and I have never done a 100 mile ride. It's time. I'm still the girl who trips and falls, but I'm also the girl that puts her mind to something and DOES IT.

Today I bought my first bike since 1998. I still love that old mountain bike and wish I could ride it, but I'm sure I'll grow to love the new one as well. Here they are in my garage getting to know each other.

friends forever

I remember the day we met. I was 4 years old and you and your brother came over to play. We played Connect-4 and you totally cheated, but I totally didn't care. Kindergarten started shortly after. I should have been a kid terrified of starting school. I looked different and I was headed towards a lifetime of being teased. But I walked in with my head held high. First face I saw was yours , waving me over saying "Come sit with me." I had a friend.

I remember in the 4th grade when it was time to pick a musical instrument. You and I wanted to play the trumpet but my plastic surgeon said that having that much pressure on my lip all the time probably wasn't a good idea. I chose clarinet and so did you. The other boys teased you a little but you wanted to sit next to me in band class.

I remember the day I told you that I was moving away. It was raining, we were on the school bus, and you cussed.

I remember coming back for a visit and going to some random birthday party. One of the boys there said "You must be Kelli. Drew carries your picture in his wallet and talks about his beautiful best friend all the time."

I remember the night a friend of mine came to my house and we started talking about you. I started to cry but didn't know why. That was the night you died...I just didn't know it yet. It was a week later that my mom came in to tell me that your dad called the night before. I remember the emptiness I felt that day as real as if it were today.

I have all of your letters, all of your cards, all of your pictures. I miss you like I can't imagine ever missing anyone but I am so grateful to you and to God that I was lucky enough to have called you best friend.

Happy 36th Birthday (yesterday) Drew! Soon you will be gone longer than you were ever here. I look forward to catching you next time around.
your best friend
Kelli B.


I went in my sweatpants and dirty hair, but luckily Christian doesn't know to be embarrassed yet.

They said to hold your applause until all names are called and everyone obeyed. Everyone except for the crazy lady who shouted "WHOOHOOO!" Luckily, Christian doesn't know to be embarrassed yet.


Lucy loves to go to the YMCA because of her BFF Maddie.
Tonight she decided to make her friend a card. I wrote the name for her but she drew the rest, and wrote her own name on the back.

Sweet baby girl...


So my next up knitting project is a cute owl sweater.
'Cuz there is nothing a girl in Texas needs more than a sweater. Plus, I'm not even sure that I can pull off an owl sweater, but it should be fun to knit.

I haven't decided on a yarn...here are my choices:


Totally forgot to post this picture last night. I've always been more of a "B" student so maybe we will shoot for 80% of 365 days rather than a full 100%.

Anyway, it was soup and grilled cheese night last night!

I have got to learn how to take better pictures. An informal class perhaps!

Stay tuned...

There will be a very large bruise on this knee tomorrow. Took a major tumble today at work during a foot race with an 8-year-old. It's a little red but I need it to have the bruise so I have visual proof of the pain.

P.S. I totally won the race

I am so smart...S-M-R-T!

I was a smart kid. Really smart. I think I'm a pretty darn smart adult as well. I'm not saying this to brag, but rather to make a point about the negative. See, I'm naturally smart...not work-your-ass-off-smart. So the lack of effort I demonstrated was remarkable. Not kidding...I went to graduate school at the age of 30 with 2 kids and I purchased NOT ONE textbook. Never read in grad school...not once. Well, that's a lie, I did read Harry Potter. My point is that it makes me feel like a total waste sometimes. I mean, can you imagine what I could have accomplished had I been dedicated to something other than television? Don't get me wrong, I'm no schlub, but I could be curing cancer right now...or better yet, Stickler Syndrome!

Now, here I am with a 9-year-old boy who is smart...really smart. How much effort do you think he put into getting all A's except for one B?

Better yet...would you like to guess what his only comment from the teacher was??

Wait for it.....

"Talks too much"


Grey's Anatomy and Google M.D.

There should be a warning sign on the late night episodes of Grey's Anatomy: This episode could lead to Googling and self-diagnosis. Google is truly the best doctor I have ever had - it helped diagnose both my hypothyroidism and my shingles (btw- don't ever google "shingles pictures" EEESH!)

So at 10:30 last night there was an old episode of Grey's on and I had already had 2 cups of tea so I was going no where. Somewhere in the episode they mentioned a syndrome that included long fingers and deformity of the palate. So I googled it. Turns out it was more related to people who are more like giants. BUT, it mentioned another syndrome called Stickler Syndrome. Some of the signs of Stickler's include: Cleft palate (got it), connective tissue disorder (ophthamologist once said I had this but never heard anything else about it), heart murmur (got it), bad vision (had it...got it fixed), but the kicker was that it mentioned unusual joint flexibility and, I kid you not, there were 2 pictures of people doing the exact party tricks that I have been doing for years!

All that to say, there are many other symptoms that I don't have so we won't make a definitive diagnosis yet...but how gross is that picture of my hand!!!

No more bootie

This is my third pair...I'm done!! I don't plan on making any more of these beauties for a very long time - so don't ask.
Next up, blanket and bib at the request of auntie laura!

Lucy Lucy

It's cold here. Not Fargo cold, mind you, but Texas cold for sure! Lucky for Lucy she got some new Mommy-made mittens.

Bring on the stretchy pants!

I'm not obnoxious enough to say that I am fat. I mean, I'm certainly not as skinny as me circa 1994, but I'm definitely not fat. More like "star bellied sneech" shaped. In general I ignore the fat belly - I did grow three humans in there for God's sake! Occasionally, however, it sneaks up on me and I have one of THOSE days. Yesterday was that day. I felt fat...really fat...and ugly. I was wearing jeans which have become increasingly less flattering and increasingly more ill-fitting on me. Seriously, when did we decide this was a good comfortable look? So all day long I talked about how I was wearing nothing but stretchy pants from now on. Then, just as my self -loathing was just about to reach its maximum for the day I walked my last kid out to his mother. I had met this mother on occasion but usually the dad brings the kid. Mom looks up at me and says "What happened to your face?"

This is not new for me. I am no stranger to the looks, whispers or occasional "Gee, do you mind me asking..." But SERIOUSLY!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE????? This was a grown woman! In general I don't mind questions..I actually welcome them. My birth defect helps define me...It helps make me who I am...but SERIOUSLY!!! It took all the restraint in the world for me not to say "What happened to YOUR face lady?" But, I didn't, I smiled and gave her the same answer I give a 5 year old - "I was born this way." She, of course, was unsatisfied with this answer and continued with the rudeness- "So, you didn't have an accident?" "Did you have stitches?" "Did it hurt?" SERIOUSLY!!!!

So, I immediately ran out to Old Navy and stocked up on stretchy pants. This, of course, does nothing for my face but certainly makes me feel better about my fat ass.

He's smooth like Velveeta


Tonight Lucy saw this emblem on my shirt and said "Mommy, is that Cheesus?" One could only assume she meant Jesus...but I'd like to hear more about this Cheesus guy. I like cheese.

Walk this Way

I read a couple of different blogs and there are a couple of really popular things going around. One is making a list of 101 things to do in 2010 and the other is to post a picture a day for the whole year. The list of 101 things is right up my alley - I love making lists of things I know I'll never do - but it's kind of boring reading other people's lists. I mean, do you really care that I want to finish painting Lucy's room and shave my legs more than twice a month? Probably not. So the other thing would be to post a picture a day for 365 days.

Problem is, I'm not sure how interesting this will be either. On one of the blogs I read (dooce.com) she made a list of all the things she accomplished in 2009. It was so obnoxious to read about her achievements. But then I thought, hey I did stuff too!! I mean, yeah, she appeared on Oprah but I changed Wyatt's poopy diaper in the middle of the night without waking him - that isn't the stuff of amateurs people!

So here we are on day one of pictures. Scott family dancing to the Revenge of the 80s weekend.