Almost family photo

This was an impromptu photo op and Graham wasn't there. Maybe we can photoshop him in later!

Birthday boys!

It's birthday season around here! Christian celebrated #8 yesterday with a big outing to Chuck E. Cheese's, followed by cake and presents at home.

"An IPOD!!"

Today is Graham's turn. He opened presents at breakfast and we will be going out for a lunch of his choosing.

Happy birthday to both of my sweet boys!


It's cold here in Texas!! It's a good thing that Lucy's mommy made her a fancy hat!!

Lets do this!

A couple of weeks ago Auntie Laura sent Christmas presents and said that the kids didn't have to wait until Christmas to open fun! Lucy got some baking tools and cooked the cornbread for Thanksgiving. I had everything laid out for her and I was getting ready to start helping when she said "Alright, lets do this!" We laughed so hard that now she says it every time we cook. Tonight she made some Christmas cupcakes for us. Thank you Auntie Laura!!!

As the cupcakes were baking we put up all our Christmas decorations. Since Wyatt is little, mobile and grabby, we decided to forgo a large tree and last week I purchased a very sad 4 foot tree. The kids love love to decorate the tree so they made every attempt possible to put 7 feet worth of ornaments on the little tree. Here it is in all of it's Charlie Brown glory!


We have much to be thankful this holiday season! We have our three beautiful children.

One of whom has learned to stand up!!

And tonight we were very thankful that daddy was able to realize a dream. We anxiously awaited his US radio debut in Christian's room. Right before he was on air for the first time one of our favorite songs played. Here is Lucy singing along!

Ice cream!

Graham decided to give the kids an ice cream treat last night. One kid was particularly interested:

Here he is trying not to look guilty:

And, here is daddy giving in...because that is what daddys do!!

Boy oh boy

Today Christian's art teacher told me that she held up a picture of Marilyn Manroe and asked if anyone knew who she was. My boy said "I don't know...but she sure is sexy"

Oh brother.....

My day off

I took Friday off from work so that I could do some stuff around the house. I'm not sure what got me so motivated but, in the end, it all got a little out of hand! I decided that it was time to scrape the lovely popcorn ceiling off our 1985 house. Doesn't it make you want to cough just looking at it??

I was able to do almost all of the dining room and living room on Friday and then Saturday morning I had Graham get the really high spots in the living room. I decided he was so very good at it that he can tackle the bedrooms all by himself!

So, then the carpet was really disgusting so I rip it all up in preparation for the laminate flooring that we bought 6 weeks ago that continues to just sit in piles in our living room. THEN last night I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. working on the laminate flooring. However, you will not see a picture of my progress on that because after staying up late, working on it ALL day today, and many many curse words later...i've barely made any progress. It's a pretty tough job that I just haven't 100% figured out yet. I will master it though!!! Then, after that (which I'm guessing will be some time around 2011) It will be time to repaint. The chocolate milk color has to go.

Now, just in case you aren't totally impressed with my home remodeling skills...I also knit a sweater. Okay, okay, I didn't actually knit the whole thing this weekend but I did finish it up.

It doesn't look great in this picture because Lucy was a reluctant model..but you get the picture.

So, there you go...that's what I did this weekend. Take that Martha Stewart!

Stolen thunder

For a month now I have been working on the kids Halloween costumes and the whole time I was thinking of all the cute, fun and witty things I was going to say on my blog about them. There was going to be anecdotes and a nice build up from Luke to Leia to the grand finale of Yoda. However, my dad sent out pictures last night before I even got a chance to put the kids to bed. So now all the cute, fun and witty things have been reduced to: Here's more pictures of the kids...hope you aren't sick of them yet!

6 months


Wyatt turned 6 months on Friday. Isn't he beautiful!!

I'll take a banana, shall I?

The whole time I have known Graham he has had a "security blanket" of some type. In the beginning it was clothes. Everywhere he went, he took clothes with him. He never actually changed his clothes or needed them for any particular reason, you would just catch him with a wadded up ball of clothing under his arm. Well, after a couple of years, he stopped this and moved on to fruit..bananas mostly.

Now, just as a side note, I'm not sure if it is a New Zealand thing or a Graham thing but all statements are actually rhetorical questions. Some examples that are popular: "You will like this, won't you?", "You're beautiful, aren't you?" and the best of all "I'll take a banana, shall I?" Now, this isn't just for long trips. It could be anywhere...the grocery store, the zoo, a's always the same: "I'll take a banana, shall I?" The catch is, that most times he never really eats the banana. One time he actually carried a banana from Chicago O'Hare to Austin...never ate it, just carried it.

So, all this to say that we packed up our banana this weekend and headed to the Dallas zoo. Here's the banana gearing up for the long ride:

Here are the two big kids at the entrance of the zoo

Big Gorilla

"This monkey stuff is boring "

A rare sighting of the entire Scott family in one photo (thanks Nana!)

In the hotel room doing the bobsled!

We just drove up for one night and Lucy liked petting the bunnies the best. Christian liked the big fish the best (Botsch's, who does that remind you of?) and I just enjoyed the time with my family. Nana treated us to a great hotel and paid for our entrance into the zoo! All and all it was a highly successful trip.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, Graham took only one bite of the banana!

All Blacks


I don't know enough about Rugby to know how many people are required but I think I have the pretty good makings of my own team!

Nana has come for a visit and brought presents for everyone. So far we have treated her to many wonders of the US like McDonalds, Outlet malls and very large grocery stores!

Suicide watch

Now that we have an official crawler in our house, we spend the majority of our time trying to prevent death. There is the constant scanning of the floor for small items, the near fall of the iron off the ironing board, and tonight...well, tonight there was a bit of a pen incident:

As I watch my 5 month old crawl around the house I can't help but to constantly wonder "Isn't it really early for this?" So much so that I spent a good portion of a day trying to decide if I was remembering his birthday correctly. So tonight I got out all of the kids baby books to see if it really is early for him to be doing this or if the other two started at the same time. While looking at the baby books I learned a few interesting facts. #1 Christian didn't start crawling until 9 months. #2 I stopped writing in Lucy's baby book after month 1, and #3 Wyatt doesn't even have a baby book.

Always prepared!


We officially have the handsomest Boy Scout in town! He's such a big boy, I can hardly stand it! Yesterday he learned how to use tools, even hammered himself a lovely bookend.

In other "be prepared" news...Lucy got some new panties from auntie Laura for her birthday but for a couple of days, the panties were lost (Lucy likes to hide things). I finally found them yesterday so tonight I asked her if she wanted to put her new panties on and she said "No, those are for church." So, apparently you have to wear your fanciest Dora panties to church "just in case."

Birthday Bling


I've wanted a new wedding band since we bought the first one (a very classy $31 internet purchase) and 34 seemed like a good age to buy one. I drug Graham to the mall, put it in his pocket and told him to give it to me at dinner...I'm such a romantic!! I really love it and think it suits my (very large) hands nicely! Here is the extreme close-up:

My other birthday story is that on the big day I was at work talking to someone I had never met before and she looked down at my midsection and said "So, when are you due?" ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHH!!! I looked at her and said "5 months ago." Then I turned around and headed straight to my office to tear up alone!! I guess I have the exact opposite of whatever anorexics have. Apparently they look in the mirror and see a fat person when they are really skinny. I, on the other hand, think I look great but apparently I'm fat! So, I'm debating how to approach this situation. On the one hand, I could diet and exercise. On the other, I could eat a bunch of cookies, drink a bunch of beer, kick the crap out of the lady who said that, and hope that the rest of my body catches up with my belly. The latter sounds like the better choice to me..thankyouverymuch!

Happy Birthday to me

This is how I feel about being 34:


Today my children proved that they are Texans through and through. The past couple of days we have had a much needed decrease in temperature . Our summer started early this year with 100 degree weather in May and it just continued on from there making it a long and hot. Imagine our surprise when things started to cool off yesterday. We feel sad for those on the coast who have lost homes and lives but Ike has given us a much needed break. So, this morning when Lucy and I took Christian to the bus stop they both immediately commented on how "freezing" it was. Then they made me go back in the house and get their sweatshirts. I bring out the sweatshirts and Lucy starts saying "My hands are still cold Mommy, I need my glubs!!"

So, how "freezing" was it you ask????? A frigid 65 degrees this morning in Central Texas!!

Blueberry Buckle

Actually, just oatmeal!


'Cuz I'm FOUR!

None of the pictures turned out great. She has decided that smiling means biting your bottom lip!!

Hippo and whale

Every night Lucy sleeps with a hippo and whale. Cute right? Well, they aren't stuffed...they are rubbery toys that you take in the bath. Weird little girl turns FOUR tomorrow!!!

A little song

Happy early birthday to me

Happy early birthday to me

Happy early birthday...

Please Peepaw don't forget to send my money because I bought a brand new camera

Happy early birthday to me!!!

Check out the awesome pictures I took tonight!

Pop Up

I have never had an addictive personality. I have never been a smoker, druggie or drinker....ok, can stop laughing Erin!! Yes, I enjoy some good wine and on occasion my Uhaul has hit a Bud Light truck...but for the most part, everything in moderation. I do, however, have an extremely obsessive personality. Once I get interested in something it consumes me. My most recent obsession is Popup campers. I have all of these romantic notions of all five of us in one of these beauties.

I can just picture it now. Dinning room tables that make into beds, miniature stoves and refrigerators, porta doesn't get any better! Trips to the lake, to the beach, even DisneyWorld. The possibilities are endless! Never mind the fact I hate being outside...some of them even have showers!!!! I mean, look at this picture of me circa 1980s. Don't I just look like I LOVE to camp!

And, by the way, you might think I am joking but I have seriously spent hours on Craigslist trying to find something. And, no, I don't know why my obsession lies in a measly popup and not the mack-daddy travel trailers. What can I say...I'm a simple girl.

It's been a busy week for the Scott's. Christian has been a big boy, riding the bus for the first time. This is the first year that his mommy got over her paranoia and allowed him to be in a moving vehicle with no seat belts and a thousand screaming kids. Today was Grandparents day and he was so thrilled. I think he called Bree five times last night to make sure she remembered. Bree and Pa had lunch with him and I can only imagine how proud he was!

And, speaking of big boys, Wyatt is now sitting up for brief moments AND getting up on all fours. He's FOUR months old people!!! He's a freak of nature!

My job continues to go well. Every Friday is morning assembly day and last week I said the Pledge of Allegiance for the first time in probably 20 years...kind of fun really. Then we have all the kids who had a birthday that week stand up and we sing a birthday song. Not the original birthday song...a more 'contemporary" version complete with clapping. I've gotta say...I didn't really set out to work with kids. I really had my eyes on working with adults in a rehab or hospital setting. However, both last Friday and today, I got a little teary eyed during the birthday song. They all just so into and dance around and look so darn cute...I love it!! Yesterday I had a therapy session with 2 kindergartners and, I kid you not, I laughed for 30 minutes straight and I didn't understand a damn word either of them said for the entire 30 minutes!!! It just doesn't get much better than that! Now, let's hope I can have them at least somewhat intelligible by the end of the year!

Oh, and P.S., I have bronchitis...good times!



We went to IKEA today for their labor day free breakfast (which Lucy pronounces "breakis"). It's really quite pathetic. We were so very excited to go and had planned for days for our very exciting free breakfast. What is the original cost of this free breakfast you ask? A whopping .99 cents!! We had a total savings of 3 bucks and we acted like we won the lotto. Oh, and Bree came with us too.

In the car we played a CD Christian got when he went to Vacation Bible school this summer. There is a song that goes: "There is power in the blood, power in the blood" , but when Lucy sings it, it sounds like "There is power in the butt, power in the butt" Then there is one that goes: "He is Lord, Lord, Lord" which she sings "He is Ward, Ward, Ward." Plus she has a remix version of the same song which is "He is Smores, Smores, Smores."

Now we are all bathed and in our 'jamas sitting down for some "Empire Strikes Back"

Look! It's Elizabef !

Big man started the 2nd grade today!!! Here is a transcript of the emotional goodbye:

Me (tearing up) : I love you so much baby and I just want you to know how very proud daddy and I...

Christian (interupting): Look mommy, it's Elizbef ! *runs away*

Maybe in the second grade he'll learn how to pronounce his /th/ sound. Isn't there someone on campus that works on that stuff?

Here he is ready to take on the world.

4 months


Baby Pickle turned 4 months old today! I can hardly believe it. When you are pregnant 4 months is an eternity and then you have the baby and it flies by! He is still very physically advanced. Neither of my other 2 kids were doing what he does at this point. He acts more like he is 6 or 7 months. If he starts walking at 9 months I might have to spend extra time at work each day!

Speaking of work, all is going well so far. The school I work at is great..everyone is so nice and helpful. Occasionally I have moments of anxiety but for the most part I still think it was the best move possible for our family. Graham seems to be happy at home with the kids and they haven't really notice much change at all! As a matter of fact, they are probably happier. I love being a mom and I think I am pretty good at it, but Graham has always been more "engaged" than me. He is more apt to play hide and seek or Monopoly than me...I'm usually too busy cleaning!

We had a fun weekend...Yesterday we went to a place called Ready, Set, Play. It has a whole bunch of those inflatable jumping things for kids to play in and then a bunch of comfy couches for the parents to sit in. Our very best friend Shannon was in town and her mom decided to celebrate her 50-something birthday at this place with her granddaughters and their friends. Lucy stayed pretty confined to the under-3 area and Christian ran around having a big time with Natalie (Shannon's youngest). We will definitely have to go back!! Today we just did the ever-fun things like cleaning and laundry...see, I told you I never have time to do fun things.
Then tonight we mourned the loss of our beloved Olympics. Definitely sad to see them go but boy did we make some memories. I very clearly remember being in our little house in Elberfeld, Indiana watching the 1984 Olympics and hoping that some day I would be just like Mary Lou Retton. Of course, at no point in my life have I been able to do so much as a somersault and being nearly 5 foot 10 doesn't do much for your gymnastic career either but I sure did wish it was me. I just hope that at nearly 34 years old Christian looks back at the 2008 games and remembers his little house in Round Rock and what it felt like to dream big.

This picture of Lucy relates to nothing of the above - she is just darn cute



Christian has been going to the YMCA this week for a little day camp. He has been having a big time and today when I picked him up he had a necklace on with flowers. Now, my son is not the "manliest" of boys, but a flower necklace is pushing it even for him. Well sure enough when he walks up to us he takes the necklace off, puts it on Lucy and says "Here Lucy, I made this for you today." he not the sweetest boy ever??

The fever


We officially have the Olympic (or wimpic, as Lucy says) fever around here. It all started last Friday when Graham stood in front of the TV for 2 hours- and I do mean STOOD..he wouldn't even sit down- to see the New Zealand team walk in. Finally at 10:30 at night, with as much giddiness as a little boy, he saw his flag bearer walk in. Then the lovely TV announcer says "Alright, well as New Zealand comes in, we will head to commercial." The look on Graham's face was priceless and I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants. Poor poor Graham.

So here we are one week in and we are addicted. Graham was even watching badminton today...Really? Badminton? Christian and Lucy are all about the swimming and they love love Michael Phelps. And who doesn't? The other night I woke Christian up to come watch Michael (we are on a first name basis) race with me. I'm so glad I did. It felt like one of those moments that he will remember for the rest of his life... at least I hope so.

I just completed my first week at my new job. I'm a speech pathologist at an elementary school in the district that I grew up in. This week was mostly just orientation stuff but exciting none the less. I loved my job at the private clinic, but this feels more like a career than just a job. I took a picture of my room today. It looks very very sad in this picture especially when I looked around at some of the teachers rooms. I'm pretty sure that teachers take an entire course in college on room decoration. I share the room with a girl who will be working part time in the same room. I haven't even met her yet but she and I spoke on the phone and we already had a conversation that went something like this:

"Feel free to decorate in any way you like."

"No, really, you go right ahead."

"No no, I insist."

Yeah, so maybe we can pay a kindergarten teacher to come in and do something about this:

45 days

There are 3 temperatures here in Texas: Hot, Hotter and DAAAAAAYUM. We are currently in the middle of the latter of the three. 45 days of summer over 100 degrees - hottest summer in 83 years. Christian and I don't enjoy sweating so this makes us very grumpy. Lucy and Graham are fine and Wyatt, well he is putting some serious thought into alternative forms of energy. Here he is deep in thought: