Damn you Gloria Steinem

Ahhh, the first day of school. Once again, Christian ignored me. This year, however, it was not for Elizabef but for Lily.

Lucy started part-time pre-K at the YMCA. A year ago, the task of having Lucy be away from Graham and I for a full day would have been totally unthinkable. The girl would have flipped her lid. I'm happy to say, though, that this year she not only did well but was very excited to be there...she can't wait to go back.

And, me...well, I had a pretty rough day. First I cried because Christian is in the 3rd grade. THIRD grade! And, he is 5 foot tall. Tears. Then, I dropped Lucy off. You can't even imagine what an accomplishment it is that she is able to do this with ease. Tears. Then, at 3 o'clock, Graham picked them both up...not me. Tears. Finally, Christian called me and told me that I am never again to send him notes in his lunch that tell him how much I love him. Tears.

All of this crying really got me thinking. Can I just give out a big "f you" to the chickies of the 60s and 70s that thought women really needed to work outside of the home? *
What is up with that??? Why did they think this was a better gig? I actually WANT to be the one at home...I WANT to be with my kids all day when they are little...and I WANT to be the one to pick up my kids after school when they get older. Hell, I even WANT to go get my "man" a beer at the end of the day. **
But noooooooo, I have to be a productive member of the workforce...saving the world one /r/ at a time.

*Dear feminists: Don't get your sensible panties in a wad, I'm mostly kind of almost kidding.

** That's a lie. I would never do this.

Great Wolf Lodge

School starts next week so we headed out for one last good time!

The room was so cool. The kids had a great bunk bed that they loved. Lucy was thrilled to sleep on the top bunk!

Last night we went to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner and the anxiety began.

There were animals that talked which was uncomfortable but when the "rainstorm" started Lucy lost it.
When she calmed down, she continued to eat with only one hand so that the other could cover her ear.

We left dinner and rushed back to the hotel for story time. Again...big mistake. Again, with talking animals. The girl has issues.

She did, however, calm down with some ice cream.

Wyatt was pretty happy too!

This morning we headed down for our breakfast buffet. Graham was a bit disturbed that I allowed them to go in their PJs.

Then, it was time for some more swimming!

Wyatt and I took some quite time at the Starbucks. He climbed up on this chair by himself and he was so proud!
It was big fun for the kids, exhausting for me, but totally worth it!
Bring on the 3rd grade/Pre-K!


I like my boys to have a "proper" haircut. I like for it to be a little longer on top and shaved close on the side...a big boy 'do.

But, times is tough ya'll and sometimes we have to save money. So tonight after dinner (that's cottage cheese and fajita you are looking at)

Mommy buzzed Wyatt's hair!

Street action

Allowing my kids to play outside without me exactly two feet away from them is quite a challenge for me. I think it is necessary. I think they need to gain some independence and have some fun without mommy yelling at them every five seconds to not do this or don't throw that or get that away from you nose. But it is very hard for me.

We have a pretty good compromise. We live in a cul de sac so they are allowed to play from our house down to the end of the cul de sac. They have to stay on the sidewalk (although Christian is allowed to ride his bike in the street) and we always keep the doors and blinds open so that we can hear and see. Plus I check on them about every...oh...5 seconds. They are good kids, but I worry. What if they get hit by a car? What if someone snatches them? What if they start to talk like the boys down the street who all (creepily) have the same speech impediment and say things like "Wook out Wucy it is vewy dangewous?" Alas, I have to believe they will be safe, they will build friendships and they will learn without me.

Here they are being hooligan's on the side of the road tonight. How could I deny this?

Christian apparently sold his left shoe for drugs...or legos.

Week In Review

I know that a lot of women brag on the fathering abilities of their husband...but, seriously...this man went out of his way to secure the tickets and built up all the excitement in the world to take his babies to see the Wiggles live!

Then, Saturday was the first big swim lesson.
Watch your back Michael Phelps!

The president of the fan club:

Today we headed out to Pa's farm for some outdoor fun.

Lucy screamed that she didn't want to ride on the tractor...but then she giggled all the way. (That's cousin Shelby in the background)

Wyatt had a big time in Pa's cabin.

And finally, the pic of the day. Check out this killer action shot. The kids were racing and Lucy took a little tumble.

Downtown Saturday


We got up early this morning and headed out for some rugby at Fado Irish pub. Shelby and Bobbi met up with us at one point. Lucy sure loves her Shelby!!

Wyatt was not exactly thrilled to be there.

And I found other things to occupy my time!