Congratulations...I made you something ugly!

My friend Jaimie is getting married! Yay! I totally ruined it too with a "Hey, maybe he'll propose tonight" YIKES!
So, I made them a little engagement present. I have really been wanting to try putting fondant on a cake so I thought this was the perfect opportunity. I was WRONG! The good news is that I have learned that I should stick to sewing. The bad news is that the cake was totally ugly and crooked. The cake balls were yummy though (and totally what I had for dinner tonight).

I was so proud that I evened out the top of the cake before layering them, thinking that this would keep them even but it didn't. I think I needed to cool them in the fridge first. BUT, I don't like cold cake so I didn't want to put the cakes in the fridge. I think this is my whole problem with's pretty but it doesn't make a tasty cake. I made my own fondant out of marshmallows. It tasted fine but not something I would want on a cake. Plus it just made my cake look like a big marshmallow.

Yes...that is a Shiner in the background...this was a stressful process!

Jaimie and Shidan could not have been nicer about it though. In the end, it truly is the thought that counts.


Chelsea said...

I am so excited!! I still love following your blog as much as I can, but yay for Jaimie and yay for you trying something ambitious! Hope all is well! :)

Kelli Scott said...

Awww...Chels...I miss you!!! Email me and tell me how life is going!