Fail. More.

Earlier this week I was having a conversation with a co-worker. I was encouraging her to work toward realizing a dream and she said "I'm afraid of failing, I've always been good at everything I do."  In the midst of me trying to calm those fears she said "I are so good at that."  It was really an awesome compliment and later in the day I had a moment of "Ha...look at me...I'm an AWESOME failure!!"

If you recall, it was a mere 2 1/2 or 3 years ago that we remodeled the bathroom in our old house. we are doing it again. A little unexpectedly. The kitchen had top priority in our "new" house but the really wonderful stank that was coming from the master bath prompted some intervention. Boy oh boy was it moist!  One thing led to another and before I knew it, I was knocking down walls. It's not necessarily something that I wanted to do again or even something that I feel 100% confident in doing but...I'm a failure yo! And failures know that life is pretty freaking boring without a little "Hey, what if I tried to..."

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