Happy Birthday Bree!

My mom turns 18 tomorrow (along with my aunt!). At least that's what Lucy says. We are going out to eat tomorrow and will have dessert at the restaurant so I wanted to make Bree a special cake for today.

I'm quite proud of my decorating skills. Photography skills still suck though!

Happy Birthday

I often think I should re-name this blog "HowIBecameMeemaw.blogspot.com" I am so fortunate to say that I had some fabulous grandmothers. Could not have been more different, but both fabulous in their own right. You went to Grandma's house if you wanted to die for meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) and lots of cuddles.* You went to Meemaw's for pizza, cinnamon rolls and fishing. Grandma encouraged you to eat your vegetables and Meemaw bought you an extra pack of Skittles because you didn't like the green and purple ones. Grandma's house smelled of good cookin', Meemaw's of gutted fish. Grandma packed you a nice lunch while Meemaw was just...well...packin'.

Today is Meemaw's birthday. I'm not going to lie, I wouldn't have even remembered her birthday without Aunt Laura but I think of her often. How could I not? Everything crafty about me, I got from her. The blanket I am working on right now I started only because she had an exact replica in blue and white.

Happy Birthday Meemaw!

*Meemaw gave plenty of cuddles too, but hers usually included at least one lift-a-butt-cheek-to-fart.

Smart and tall!

This is a horrible picture of Christian getting his award for straight A's but I just wanted everyone to take a look at how tall a 10-year-old boy stands next to grown women WITH heels on! Oh, and the high-water pants are a pretty good indication of his height as well!

I'm obsessed

Apparently, I am now addicted to electronic cozies.

Starting on the left: Blackberry case for me, iPad case, Kindle case.

Almost forgot!

I have an aunt who is only 6 years older than me. I also have an older brother, so she was actually an aunt at the age of 4. My grandparents had a surprise late in life and my parents had a surprise early in life. So, my aunt, or "Auntie Laura" as she is affectionately known as actually felt more like a sister growing up.

I could also tell you at this point that Laura has an older son who was a surprise (her younger two were surprises in a different sort of way). My first kid? A surprise! We like the surprises in my family. This, however, really has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

The point is, we love Auntie Laura and when she asked me to make something special for her friends I didn't hesitate. Apparently it gets so freaking cold in Illinois that you have to have something to keep your cell phone warm.

I wouldn't know about this, of course, in Texas it's hot enough for naked cell phones.



Wow, have I been lazy or what? Even Auntie Laura has posted more on her blog than me! We had a great/busy holiday season. It's been fantastic having this time off with my kids...can't wait to send them to school Tuesday ;)