Number 3 of 3 is 3

And, if that isn't enough for you, I found out about him in the month that I turned 33 and Lucy turned 3. It's a good number...3.

Wyatt had to share his birthday this year with Easter, which really meant nothing more than an increase in chocolate!


We will chalk this one up to another great idea that fell flat! I wanted to make Wyatt a shirt for his big day on Sunday so and what I envisioned was much grander than this:

However, after struggling with software and my machine all day...this will have to do. The three turned out ok, but the "Wyatt" is not looking so hot.

I am saving my pennies for a commercial machine's a lot of pennies and OH, wouldn't you know it, our a/c totally crapped out today. Someday...someday.

Jane Fonda

I've been sick all week with strep throat. EEK! So the kids have been going a little stir crazy, locked up with a crabby, sick, old lady. Today, Lucy and Wyatt decided to get a little exercise.

Itty Bitty

When I saw this pattern, I just knew I had to make this dress. Unfortunately, I haven't known anyone having a girl recently. Then I found out a friend from Grad school was having a baby girl and I knew exactly what to do!

There is nothing I don't love about this dress. Which you probably aren't supposed to say when you are the person who made it, but whatever...I'm not exactly known for my modesty.