Save the sharks!

Working with special ed kids at the school for the past 7 or 8 months has really reminded me to be so very thankful that my son is capable of doing his homework on his own. There are never any fights or tears or anything. Usually, he doesn't even need our help. He does a little each night and then turns it in on Friday...the end. Although, on occasion he leaves things for the last minute. Last night there was a little "book report" project that required poster board which required a trip to the store to buy the poster board, etc. Anyway, the report was supposed to be about something found in nature. I'm sure they meant trees, or grass or the ocean but Christian picked a book about Sharks. He literally sat down and wrote out his sentences in no time. Later when I was looking it over I got a huge chuckle that has kept a smile on my face all day. The question read "What should we do to take care of this part of nature?" Christian's response:

Don't eat fish 'n chips!

Catching up

I need to catch up on some of neglected blog-worthy pictures.

First up, we have my work crew, painting the house. Please don't call CPS, I promise that they really wanted to do this!!

I should point out that they did this several weeks ago and their beautiful handywork is still present in the living room...I haven't painted since!

Next up we have some striking pictures of my little guys from last weekend. I get it, I know that Lucy is my daughter and therefore no one thinks she is nearly as beautiful as I do..but MY GOODNESS..Look at her!!

Wyatt's pretty darn cute too.

Finally, today was a beautiful day for some Cubscouts fun. We went to the park at the kids' school and they had to run relay races. When they got to the other end they had to yell out the name of a state (and it had to be one that no one else had said). Check out Christian's form.


Sweet Boy

I have some pictures that I need to post but I'm at work right now (shhhh) and just had to post a quick note about my big man.

I'm not going to lie...Christian has been driving me crazy lately. He is at that age where he wants to argue with everything I say and he seems completely convinced that if he asks the same question over and over again he will somehow magically get the answer he is looking for. I'm not a patient person by nature so this has been a very trying time for us.

Then, last night, I went to happy hour for a friend's birthday and no less than 3 people commented that they always talk about their friend Christian and what a remarkable little boy he is.

Two days a week I go to Christian's school for work and the other day his teacher told me to remind her to tell me a couple of stories. I never got a chance to talk with her but the suspense was killing me so I gave her a quick call this morning. She said that they have been doing timed math and she always tells them that when the timer goes off they are to put their pencils down and stop working. Well, the other day, the timer went off and she picked up all of the papers. Afterwards, Christian came up to her desk and said "Mrs. Clifton, I am really sorry but I kept working after the timer went off. I know that I'm not supposed to do that." She said that she would have never known that he kept working had he not told her (and it isn't even that big of a deal) but she was so proud of his character for admitting what he did. She went on to say that the next time they did timed math he finished all of his problems and one of his little friends did not. The friend started to get a little upset seeing what everyone else had done. Christian was the first to step up and say "It's okay, you did the best you could!"

Her exact words were "You should be very proud of that boy." Boy, are we ever!!