Decorating Hit or Miss?

My house is little, and a little bit of a dump...but I love it. I always think that we should get a bigger, better house...but, really this is home. Nine years now. It's a constant work in progress and a new, bigger, better house would also be a work in why spend the money?? Our house is cheap and it's a great canvas for trying new things. I never worry about screwing anything up.

I had some great pictures of the kids made a few months ago and I just now got around to getting them some frames. I wanted them on this wall, but putting frames just didn't seem like enough.

So, I added a little fabric behind it. Attached with liquid starch...a little technique I learned on the internets. Now, you have to use your imagination a bit. In my head, there would be crown moulding along with a cute little bench...perhaps painted red. And, of course, the toys would not be piled up there. Oh, and also about 2 years ago we scraped the popcorn ceiling off the wall but never painted. So, in fantasy land, the ceilings would be painted. Still not sure about it though???

Here is a close up of the pictures for fun.

My baby

On Tuesdays Lucy is going to the water park with her YMCA class. Usually the YMCA provides lunch but on water park days they have to pack a lunch. So Monday night Graham was talking about all the stuff we had to get ready for the next day and Christian, very matter of factly, states "Don't worry, I'll make her lunch in the morning."
Then, yesterday a friend of mine asked me the name of the place where I get my kids hair cut. I said I didn't really know the name and Christian said "It's called Style America."

Needless to say, his big kid-ness is smacking me upside the head lately. I'm not ready for it...not at all. So today when he came in, tears streaming down his face because a kid across the street was mean to him, a big kid is not what I saw. Not at all.

He's good at a lot of things...

...but there is one thing he does like no other!

Happy Father's day to the best pillow in the world!!

New Job

I started a new job thus the lack of posting. I'm exhausted so nothing too fun today, but this is what I have learned this week:
- I'm not nearly as uncomfortable around old people as I thought I might be.
- Old ladies are Awesome
- Old ladies love my shoes.
- Old ladies are CRAZY!!
- I'm going to make a fabulous old lady!


Whenever it's time to go on vacation my first thought is "What can I make?" Other people do this too right? No? Really? Just me?
Anyway, Wyatt's stroller is fabulous...high handles for tall people like me and pushes like a dream. It doesn't, though, have anywhere to put drinks or other things. So, as we prepare for our trip to Disney (TWO MORE SLEEPS), I made a little organizer for the back of his stroller. Yes, you can buy these...but mine is way cuter!

Next up are some backpacks. I didn't want the kids to take their regular backpacks on the plane because they are kind of big and I knew they would just fill them up with crap they didn't need. So, I bought some smaller ones at Joann's (on clearance) and personalized them. Lucy loves loves hers and can't stop talking about it. The boys couldn't care less!

7 years 1 day

The other day on the radio they were asking for people to call in that thought that their life would make a good movie. I certainly don't think that my entire life is all that interesting but I love the story of us. Graham and I met in Hawaii - He was traveling with his then girlfriend and I was pregnant with another man's baby. I mean, COME ON! That's a great movie right? Or, at the very least, a semi-interesting episode of Jerry Springer.