I'm sure that I was planning a big sappy post about how much I love my boy and how I can't believe he is two. But, I'm sick..ear infections, and the weekends activities have made me very tired.

So, I'll just say this - I think that 2 is the age where a lot of women start to feel the need to have another baby. I, however, would like to take a moment to thank Dr. Dick Chopp and the fabulous work he does. We love our sweet baby boy..but this mama is done!


I love love monkeys! Awhile back I met a lovely girl at a baby shower who mentioned to me that her son has a bilateral cleft lip and palate. But, our similarities don't end there...he loves monkeys too! So when I found out that he was having surgery today, I had to make him a little something special to cuddle with after. Many prayers for little Jackson!

My happy place

My big dream is to some day own a craft store...nay...a fabulous craft store. There is a website that I visit of a place in New York that is my absolute dream. They just moved and posted this picture of their new place.

I've looked at this picture every day after work since they posted it with the same love and adoration that I used to look at Scott Baio in Tiger Beat.

Why didn't I marry rich?
Damn. Love.


My parents went last week to clean out my grandparents house with my aunt and uncle. A few goodies came my way and today I got to enjoy some of them.

First up, this morning I made my very first homemade scones. They were yummy and I wore my meemaw apron.

Then I washed some of the quilt tops/squares that she pieced by hand. Unfortunately, some of them will have to be thrown out - they are just way beyond repair. But, I should be able to use some of them. And -oh yes- that is indeed my brand new washer and dryer!!!

I also washed 2 potholders. It's hard to tell in this picture, but I really love them. They are tiny little crochet stitches...can't imagine the amount of work that went into them.

Finally, I hung some plates. I think only one of them is actually Meemaw's...pretty sure that Bree pulled a fast one on me and just gave me some of her old ones because Meemaw's were nicer and she wanted to keep them for herself. That Bree is a bit of a hoarder.

Big Boy

Christian and Lucy spend a considerable amount of time playing in the cul-de-sac with their friends. For the most part this has always gone unnoticed by Wyatt. However, lately he has been opening the front door, running outside, and yelling "GUYS!!" So Yesterday Christian asked me if he could take Wyatt down to watch a kickball game. I let him, but watched like a hawk...and took pictures.

Pretend you're sleepin'

Wyatt hasn't quite figured this game out yet

Taking a break!

The garage is done done done!! It was nearly impossible to take pictures of, but I did my best.
This is the corner with the most stuff: A shelf with my fabric, a shelf with the kids game, and the black thing is a great little shelf on wheels that has all of our extra blankets in it.

The other side is a little more bare. I still have to put the books back in the bookshelf. Also, I have a friend giving me her old table that I will put over here.

Finally, my cabinet from IKEA that I'm in love with! It didn't come with a countertop so I bought a table top to put on it. It is really tall which makes it great for cutting fabric.

Things I did in this room: Hung drywall and insulation, laid floors, put together 3 shelves, put down baseboards, installed a/c, did some of the painting (Bree did most of it). I am SOOOOOO happy with how it turned out...I could sleep in there!!

There are still a million things to do in this house - mostly painting..ugh. I'm taking a break from home repairs for awhile though. I have a lot of sewing to get done so I'm focused on that right now. Luckily, I have a great space to accomplish it in!


5 minutes later...Wyatt found something more entertaining than Easter Eggs

Easter Eve!

Our little corner store is called The Red Onion and today they had some Easter fun. The kids couldn't wait for the Easter Egg hunt. Check out Christian's "Ready position"

Wyatt was a bit perplexed as to why we were actually there.

The Easter Bunny getting ready to tell us to go!

This was the first year that Wyatt understood what he was supposed to do.

My favorite pic from the day:
Soon he'll stop being interested...and I will cry!

Ikea..therefore I am

The As-Is item from IKEA is done with some help from my friends. Completed pictures to come soon!