
My parents went last week to clean out my grandparents house with my aunt and uncle. A few goodies came my way and today I got to enjoy some of them.

First up, this morning I made my very first homemade scones. They were yummy and I wore my meemaw apron.

Then I washed some of the quilt tops/squares that she pieced by hand. Unfortunately, some of them will have to be thrown out - they are just way beyond repair. But, I should be able to use some of them. And -oh yes- that is indeed my brand new washer and dryer!!!

I also washed 2 potholders. It's hard to tell in this picture, but I really love them. They are tiny little crochet stitches...can't imagine the amount of work that went into them.

Finally, I hung some plates. I think only one of them is actually Meemaw's...pretty sure that Bree pulled a fast one on me and just gave me some of her old ones because Meemaw's were nicer and she wanted to keep them for herself. That Bree is a bit of a hoarder.

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