AFS #17

$4.15 and a missing toof

Things have been a little slow in the ways of free shtuff lately, as evidence by my lack of posting. I'm just a little uninspired by toothpaste and body wash.  

Peanut butter and tampons, however, I can totally get behind!!!  First we went to CVS and got tampons and 2 toothbrushes for $2.15 plus we got back $4 for next time. Then at Walgreens we got FOUR things of peanut butter and dishwashing detergent for $ money back on this one but I couldn't pass up such a great deal on peanut butter!  The biggest news, though, is that our CVS receipt shows us our savings for the year.  We are now at $118 and Christian is just beside himself with excitement.  He's using the receipt as a bookmark so he can keep looking at it.

Later today we went to a pool party and almost immediately Christian showed me a tooth that was barely hanging on. I, of course, had to pull it immediately - in the middle of the party.  Later, I stripped Wyatt naked outside to change him.  We are KUH-lassy guests!!


KatieN721 said...

Forget about the picture of Christian talking to his girlfriend. He's going to be especially happy that you posted a picture of him psong next to tampons.

KatieN721 said...

psong = posing

Kelli Scott said...

Haha! Poor poor Christian ;)