
I got a great deal on an "As Is" item at Ikea. There is one problem though....

That's a crapload of Swedish screws!!!


We had a Saturday morning scene that I imagine is pretty common. The boys laid around playing video games,

with their bellies hanging over their pants,

while the lady of the house did the work!


Let me start this off by clarifying that I work nearly all day with autistic kids that bring me much joy and I have a cousin that I love very much who is on the spectrum. So, I mean no disrespect with the following story.

In this family, when you do something that is a little "off" step below hand flapping...we call those 'tisms. We have A LOT of 'tisms around here. Mostly, Lucy...but Wyatt's 'tisms were blazing last night. Usually, they look a little like this:

I have my own set of 'tisms: I generally only wear v-necks (occasional crew neck but turtlenecks are unheard of) because I can't stand things around my neck, no one (including Graham) is allowed to touch my computer or my car, if I get one single spot on my shirt I must change it immediately, and all cold beverages must be drank from a straw.

Lucy's list is far more extensive and ranges from saying the exact same phrase every single night before she goes to bed, to screaming bloody murder at the car wash.

Last night we were up to our v-necks in 'tisms. First, I put Wyatt in "feety" pajamas and he nearly had a heart attack - he pointed at his feet and yelled "TOES TOES TOES" over and over again until I changed his clothes. Then, the unthinkable happened - the thing I dread every day that is even overcast - it started to rain. Lucy panicked, cried and begged for Daddy to come home. She then went into her room and laid in her bed with her hands tightly clasped over her ears. 'Tisms indeed!

More adorableness from Lucy

"Bree, I need to wash my face...I don't want to get nipples"


It was an all Harry Potter weekend...complete with popcorn!


Every once in awhile I decide to get all gor-met like and make some "fancy" food, like these english muffin pizzas. Yum!!
Thanks to Jaimie for the idea!!


Great conversation while drying Lucy off after bath.

Lucy: My boobies are little. When will my boobies be big?
Me: Well, if you take after your grandmothers and aunt...when you are 11 or 12. If you take after me...27. Then, you can wear a bra.
Lucy: A BRA!!! (uncontrollable laughter) I don't want to wear a BRA!!
Me: Me either either.

Best. Mom. EVER.

Snow cones on a beautiful day! This was before lunch. If you know me at all, you know that I NEVER let my kids have "treats" before a meal. They looked at me like I was an alien when I ran out to give them money.

I'm taking over the world people

We have not had a pantry (or "cubid" as it's called in my house) door for 2 years. Correction: We have had a pantry just hasn't been installed. I tried and tried and tried when I first bought it and just couldn't get it right so it has lived in the garage since. Today I decided I wasn't stopping until I got it...and, by god, I did!! Ok, so it sticks a little (or a lot)...but I told Graham this was just my way of getting us to lose weight.


The original plan with the garage conversion was just to throw down some carpet remnants...or perhaps some old rugs. Then I thought maybe I would even get "fancy" and paint it before I threw down rugs. Then IKEA happened.

This is shaping up to be (sadly) the nicest room in our house.

Also..are there really people out there who finish one project before they start another? Wonder what that is like...

Don't drink and saw

Oh my...did we have a week last week or what? The puking/pooping/puking and pooping at the same time continued until Saturday. By some miracle I managed to avoid getting sick but I did have something disgusting coming at me from all directions at all times. It was not a good time. Finally we are ready to get back to life...for me that means working on the house more. The only thing left to do on the kitchen was to install the transition piece between the tile and laminate floor. Yes, I cut it 1/4 inch too short...but does it really matter if I can't figure out how the hell to install it??

On a more positive note, my soon to be "woman cave" in the garage is coming along nicely! Bree did most of the painting and cleaning out and I love it! Now I have to figure out what to do with the floor.

By the end of the night I did figure out how to get the transition piece to "work." I won't tell you exactly how I did it but it may or may not have involved glue...lots and lots of glue.

Oh my..what a week!

Monday morning...3 a.m. Wyatt wakes up crying, can't breathe from all the snot. Typically when this happens I just pick him up and put him bed with us. Shortly after, it's time for Graham to get up and get ready for work. About 5 minutes after he gets up I hear a weird noise and I think "What the heck is Graham doing in there?" Sadly, this is a thought I often have about my husband when he is in the bathroom. Anyway, I suddenly realize that the sound isn't coming from our bathroom and I jumped out of bed only to discover that Christian is puking all over himself, his bed and his floor. Great! I clean him up and his floor and then put new sheets on his bed. My head barely hits the pillow when I hear it again...there goes the clean sheets. Poor little guy, had to sleep on a bare bed for the rest of the morning. I did think to put a trash can in his room and I had the pleasure of a vomit serenade for the rest of the morning. Now, in case you forgot, Monday and Tuesday were my days "off" to complete house this is how it all began. I did get quite a bit done thanks to Bree and my little helper.

Fast forward to yesterday when Graham inherits Christian's lovely illness. I'm not going to go into any gory details here, but I'll give you two guesses as to who was easier to care for this week - The nine-year-old boy or the thirty-eight-year-old man??? hmmmmmm....


Shortly before this picture was taken Christian shouted "They are biting my nipples"....and for the first time in my life, I uttered the sentence "STOP BITING YOUR BROTHER'S NIPPLES!"

**Pictures of completed housework coming soon!