
Let me start this off by clarifying that I work nearly all day with autistic kids that bring me much joy and I have a cousin that I love very much who is on the spectrum. So, I mean no disrespect with the following story.

In this family, when you do something that is a little "off"...one step below hand flapping...we call those 'tisms. We have A LOT of 'tisms around here. Mostly, Lucy...but Wyatt's 'tisms were blazing last night. Usually, they look a little like this:

I have my own set of 'tisms: I generally only wear v-necks (occasional crew neck but turtlenecks are unheard of) because I can't stand things around my neck, no one (including Graham) is allowed to touch my computer or my car, if I get one single spot on my shirt I must change it immediately, and all cold beverages must be drank from a straw.

Lucy's list is far more extensive and ranges from saying the exact same phrase every single night before she goes to bed, to screaming bloody murder at the car wash.

Last night we were up to our v-necks in 'tisms. First, I put Wyatt in "feety" pajamas and he nearly had a heart attack - he pointed at his feet and yelled "TOES TOES TOES" over and over again until I changed his clothes. Then, the unthinkable happened - the thing I dread every day that is even overcast - it started to rain. Lucy panicked, cried and begged for Daddy to come home. She then went into her room and laid in her bed with her hands tightly clasped over her ears. 'Tisms indeed!

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