Ok, so I wrote and erased eloquent prose about Christian about 30 times here but nothing was quite right. He can't be TEN tomorrow...it just can't be possible!!

Teacher Gifts

I did some baking today to give to the kids' various teachers for Christmas. Apparently, though, I was under the impression that they both had 47 teacher each because I made WAY too much. So, I'm now giving some to coworkers and other various people I love.

All wrapped up and ready to go!

Old Town

Christian and Lucy are Old Town Texans and it's been a pretty busy couple of weeks. Last week Lucy won an award for "Loyalty" and tonight Christian had his choir concert. He was an elf and his big line was "Who me?"

Lightly Row

Lucy had her fall violin recital and she did awesome...as always!

I can't believe she has been playing for over a year now!

I've been learning with her because it is the traditional Japanese way of learning (and you know that we are totally Japanese). This was the first recital that the parents had to play too. I was nervous but did...well...ok.

Christmas Decor

The kids are all about decorating for Christmas so on Sunday I created a "wall" for them. Here Lucy is decorating hers with some math problems!

Grey tape

My Meemaw LOVED grey tape! It could fix anything...hold together your fishing pole, keep your band-aid on, hell...I'm sure, given the opportunity she would have attempted to affix a severed limb.

I inherited a lot of things from Meemaw, but I'm not sure if grey tape is one of them. However, yesterday I summoned my inner-Meemaw and went to town. Lucy wanted to build a dollhouse out of paper but this was, for some unknown reason, unacceptable to me. We needed bigger and better...we needed GREY TAPE!

So, armed with a diaper box, capri sun box and 5 bucks worth of grey tape (which was actually pink and purple) we now have the most awesomest dollhouse ever!!

(That's pizza on her face, by the way).

The interior is still in need of some renovations but it currently has a bed, a couch (with decorative pillow) and kleenex curtains (thanks to pa).

I'm going to bet that Meemaw is quite happy with her girls right now :)

gobble gobble

Unfortunately, the third gobbler was sick :(


Apparently I have some blog followers in Illinois! How fun is that!! So, when their special friend asked me to make them something, I had to say yes. Items are complete and ready to go in mail tomorrow, but until they receive them I can only show you a sneak peek!

Congratulations...I made you something ugly!

My friend Jaimie is getting married! Yay! I totally ruined it too with a "Hey, maybe he'll propose tonight" YIKES!
So, I made them a little engagement present. I have really been wanting to try putting fondant on a cake so I thought this was the perfect opportunity. I was WRONG! The good news is that I have learned that I should stick to sewing. The bad news is that the cake was totally ugly and crooked. The cake balls were yummy though (and totally what I had for dinner tonight).

I was so proud that I evened out the top of the cake before layering them, thinking that this would keep them even but it didn't. I think I needed to cool them in the fridge first. BUT, I don't like cold cake so I didn't want to put the cakes in the fridge. I think this is my whole problem with fondant...it's pretty but it doesn't make a tasty cake. I made my own fondant out of marshmallows. It tasted fine but not something I would want on a cake. Plus it just made my cake look like a big marshmallow.

Yes...that is a Shiner in the background...this was a stressful process!

Jaimie and Shidan could not have been nicer about it though. In the end, it truly is the thought that counts.

Homemade goodness!

Yes, it's easier to buy costumes. Yes, every year I say that next year I'm not going to bother. But, really? How can anything be cuter and more satisfying than knowing I made this!

If there is one thing 6-year-olds are good at....

...it's questions.

Lucy: I need lunch money
Me: I know, I already gave it to Christian to turn in for you.
Lucy: Mommy, why do I need lunch money?
Me: Because nothing is free, we have to pay to eat.
Lucy: Mommy, how do you get money?
Me: Well, I go to work everyday and they give me money.
Lucy: Why do they give you money?
Me: Because I work!
Lucy: And, Mommy....
Me: Yes??
Lucy: Why do I have fingers?

Muffins and a crotch grab

No doubt that Lucy is the star of this show...but don't miss Christian's "adjustment" as he walks into the scene.

Nutella and poo

There was a blog that I used to love to read because she always had the coolest crafty stuff. Then, about 6 months ago, she suddenly got on a gardening kick and I never went back.

I promise, my baking is just a phase...not really a new hobby. Plus, I keep having occasions that require sweets.

First, I had a going away party for my good friend, Mary. These are Nutella cupcakes. The cupcakes themselves were pretty good...though I prefer my Nutella straight out of the jar, on a spoon...a really really big spoon!

Actually, I did incorporate a little bit of crafty into this one as I made the cake stand. Mom and I had a garage sale earlier that morning and she had a styrofoam cone she was going to sell. I stole and glued paper to it. Then I hot glued it in between 2 plates I had laying around. Fun? Yes?

Tomorrow, Graham has a Halloweenie potluck at work and he needed something gross to take. The only option was kitty litter...

...complete with tootsie roll poo.

I've made it before for Halloween and it was a big hit. However, last time I went so far as to serve it in a brand new kitty litter box with a brand new pooper scooper. However, since I spent the entire evening reassuring everyone that neither the box nor the scooper had ever been used, I thought this time Pyrex was the way to go!

Martha who?

I've always felt pretty indifferent about Martha Stewart. I find cute stuff on her website, but I've never seen an episode of her show. I'm not sure I would find her entertaining. I like my TV hosts to be more charming. Kind of like, I don't know......ME! I think I should get Martha's job. She's a total dud! See there, I'm no longer indifferent.

I had a fun baby shower to attend last night for one very special boy. First up, I ironed on some cute things to a onesie. No real talent required here, but still cute.

Then, I made a fitted crib sheet. They are super quick to sew up and the fabric is usually cheaper than buying them. PLUS....pretty much the only thing you can find in boys' crib sheets is teddy bears or footballs. These are way more fun! It's flannel and really soft and cozy.

When I bought the onesies for the iron ons they came in a pack of 5. So, I had 3 left that I had to find something to do with. Thus...a lovely onesie flower arrangement.

Finally, my absolute favorite. Something I know for sure that Martha could never make!! The awesomest little crocheted shoes ever! I have no idea how "user friendly" they are. For all I know, they could never possibly fit a real human. But, damn, they are cute!!

Finally, today I got a wild hair about cupcakes. Not just any cupcakes but some cupcakes I saw on the Bakerella website a few days ago. They looked so fantastic I could not get them off my mind. I gave them a shot today.

They turned out okay. They look pretty good...though not as good as the original. I have to say though, I was quite disappointed with the taste. Nothing really to get excited about.

There ya go...there's my weekend. Suck it Martha!

Yeah, I got a car for my 16th birthday too...

I'm a bit spoiled when it comes to birthdays. Generally speaking, if I ask for something reasonable, I will get it. This year I really wanted a Kindle.
So after a fabulous day of many birthday wishes, off key singing, Chuy's and cookies, I opened my present. A Kindle indeed!

However, being that I am me, I was unable to sit down and read this evening. My Kindle was naked and this had to be fixed.

Tomorrow I read....and read....and read.

Thank you to everyone who made my birthday so special!

Make a wish

I'm not sure what her wish was, but mine was for a million more days like today.

The one with the fart joke

My kids are not breaking any stereotypes when it comes to birth order and how it effects personality.

First Christian. No doubt in about 15 years, when his name is mentioned, his sister will roll her eyes and say "You mean, 'Golden-Boy?' " He is not by any stretch of the imagination a perfect child but my goodness is that boy a people pleaser. Without question he wants to make Graham and I happy. He will, on occasion, be defiant when he has to get off the DS or stop watching TV but never once has he said "no" to requests like "Let the dog in" or "Help your sister wash her hands." Heck, he even gives the request of "Please make your brother stop screaming" the ole college try.

Then there is Lucy. Lucy Lucy Lucy. Stuck in the middle, always searching for the attention: Look at me mommy, look at me, did you see me, did you, did you, do you love me mommy, do you, do you??? On and on...all day long.

And Wyatt. The baby.
Mr. I'm so cute, I'm so cute it doesn't matter what I do.

Wyatt and I have had some troubles lately. He is pushing the boundaries and I react exactly the way he wants me to. He pushes buttons and I respond exactly how I shouldn't.

When I was pregnant with him I absolutely refused to have another boy. It sounds awful, but I think all parents with multiple kids understand, Christian is my man. He is such a special boy to me and I swore there was not enough room in my heart for another boy. Lucy is extremely special in her own right, but Christian is my man.

Enter Wyatt, the boy I said I have no room for. Here he is, 2 years old and making me crazy. And yet....and yet, here he is stealing my heart each and every day. What would I do without this kid? My baby.

Fancy balls

We have a little girls' birthday party to go to tomorrow and I've been looking for an occasion to make some cupcake balls. They are not nearly as cute as the website I got them off of...but fun nonetheless!


Lucy lost her very first toof and the toof-fairy left her some monies.

I forced her to let me pull it...she screamed like I was ripping her arm off then proceeded to tell Bree that she was "very brave"

Skirty skirt


My friend, Kathy, has a little girl with a birthday coming up. She wanted me to "help" her make a skirt for sweet Madeleine out of her favorite jeans. Yeah, usually when I "help" someone sew something I just completely take over. The vision was all Kathy's though...I am merely the vessel.

Cutest waste of time ever!

Hmmm...it's cute on the outside, but what is it?

Let's open the fabulous yellow buttons and find out....

Why, it's the world's cutest kindergarten nap mat!

Modeled by the world's cutest kindergartener!

She's ready for the big day!


Clearly, I have either been horribly uninspired or busy or just plain lazy lately. Probably a little of all 3. What I lack in blogginess, though, I've made up for with sewing. I've made a lot of progress on my super-secret Botsch family project and it should be done in plenty of time for my visit in October. I also whipped up a little something for my trip this past weekend. My cousin Shelby got married and I couldn't decide what to wear. So, I made my own. Go ahead....ask me...."Who are you wearing?"

Why, this is a Kelli Scott original

How about the necklace?

Same designer...isn't she amazing?

I'd like some cheese with my whine please

This pretty much sums up the lives of the Scott's right now. Actually, it's only laundry...a HUGE pile of poo might be more appropriate.

Here's the daily bad luck breakdown:
- I blew a tire
- Graham let go from Starbucks (equals no health insurance). Should be pointed out that he was fired for working off the clock. SERIOUSLY!
- I get in a car wreck
- Kids get lice
- Graham's car won't start
- Graham bangs up his leg on the curb and is now gimpy.

We really shouldn't leave the house. Good news is - Lucy is pretty stinking cute in the de-lousing process!

Water time fun!

We went to the sprinkler park the other day with some friends and a big time was had by all! Wyatt was there, but he was not a fan of the paparazzi that day!

Christian, George, Madeleine, Miles and Jackson


In 2000 when I was on my Hawaii trip about to meet Graham I also met some other interesting characters at the hostel where we were staying. I met Mark, who was Graham's best friend and ultimately the best man at our wedding. Mark was/is great...the other guy..no. I can't remember his name and I wouldn't recognize him if I saw him, but he said something to me that has stayed with me for over 10 years. When I first met him he was in the common room talking to a girl about yoga and chakras. Now, let me just say, that I neither then nor now know what the hell a chakra is* but I'm not necessarily turned off by people talking about them. However, this particular person spoke of chakras in that "look-at-me-i'm-so-cool-because-i'm-talking-about-chakras" way.

So, the day before I met Graham, we all went to the beach. I was soooo excited to be in Hawaii and meeting new people so my normal chatty self turned into hyper mode. It appeared as though everyone was enjoying my socialness until Mr. Chakra sat up on his beach towel, turned to me, and said "Perhaps you'd like to meditate for awhile." Now, I probably should have been offended but I thought it was the simply the most hilarious way to tell someone to shut the hell up that I had ever heard! Needless to say, Mr. Chakra and I never talked again.

The past couple of weeks have been a little crazy for the Scotts. I'm not loving my job. I know, a lot of people don't love their job...but, I love what I do so there is no reason to not love my job. Did that make sense? Chakras.

Anyway, with me indifferent about my job and Graham about to do a 6 week run at the radio station we had some options. I ran through these options about 4.5 billion times and, all the while, my friend Jaimie listened. She received no less than 5 texts from me a day saying "I'm quitting" "No, wait, I can't quit!" "I'm quitting." Not once did she tell me I was crazy. No doubt she thought it, but she never said it.

So, today I made up some cake balls to tell Jaimie how much I appreciate her friendship and how grateful I am that she never told me to meditate!!


* I could Wikipedia it but I'm assuming there is something un-chakra like about that.



The reality of family game night

This was supposed to be Connect Four