The one with the fart joke

My kids are not breaking any stereotypes when it comes to birth order and how it effects personality.

First Christian. No doubt in about 15 years, when his name is mentioned, his sister will roll her eyes and say "You mean, 'Golden-Boy?' " He is not by any stretch of the imagination a perfect child but my goodness is that boy a people pleaser. Without question he wants to make Graham and I happy. He will, on occasion, be defiant when he has to get off the DS or stop watching TV but never once has he said "no" to requests like "Let the dog in" or "Help your sister wash her hands." Heck, he even gives the request of "Please make your brother stop screaming" the ole college try.

Then there is Lucy. Lucy Lucy Lucy. Stuck in the middle, always searching for the attention: Look at me mommy, look at me, did you see me, did you, did you, do you love me mommy, do you, do you??? On and on...all day long.

And Wyatt. The baby.
Mr. I'm so cute, I'm so cute it doesn't matter what I do.

Wyatt and I have had some troubles lately. He is pushing the boundaries and I react exactly the way he wants me to. He pushes buttons and I respond exactly how I shouldn't.

When I was pregnant with him I absolutely refused to have another boy. It sounds awful, but I think all parents with multiple kids understand, Christian is my man. He is such a special boy to me and I swore there was not enough room in my heart for another boy. Lucy is extremely special in her own right, but Christian is my man.

Enter Wyatt, the boy I said I have no room for. Here he is, 2 years old and making me crazy. And yet....and yet, here he is stealing my heart each and every day. What would I do without this kid? My baby.

Fancy balls

We have a little girls' birthday party to go to tomorrow and I've been looking for an occasion to make some cupcake balls. They are not nearly as cute as the website I got them off of...but fun nonetheless!


Lucy lost her very first toof and the toof-fairy left her some monies.

I forced her to let me pull it...she screamed like I was ripping her arm off then proceeded to tell Bree that she was "very brave"

Skirty skirt


My friend, Kathy, has a little girl with a birthday coming up. She wanted me to "help" her make a skirt for sweet Madeleine out of her favorite jeans. Yeah, usually when I "help" someone sew something I just completely take over. The vision was all Kathy's though...I am merely the vessel.

Cutest waste of time ever!

COM's cute on the outside, but what is it?

Let's open the fabulous yellow buttons and find out....

Why, it's the world's cutest kindergarten nap mat!

Modeled by the world's cutest kindergartener!

She's ready for the big day!


Clearly, I have either been horribly uninspired or busy or just plain lazy lately. Probably a little of all 3. What I lack in blogginess, though, I've made up for with sewing. I've made a lot of progress on my super-secret Botsch family project and it should be done in plenty of time for my visit in October. I also whipped up a little something for my trip this past weekend. My cousin Shelby got married and I couldn't decide what to wear. So, I made my own. Go ahead....ask me...."Who are you wearing?"

Why, this is a Kelli Scott original

How about the necklace?

Same designer...isn't she amazing?