Street action

Allowing my kids to play outside without me exactly two feet away from them is quite a challenge for me. I think it is necessary. I think they need to gain some independence and have some fun without mommy yelling at them every five seconds to not do this or don't throw that or get that away from you nose. But it is very hard for me.

We have a pretty good compromise. We live in a cul de sac so they are allowed to play from our house down to the end of the cul de sac. They have to stay on the sidewalk (although Christian is allowed to ride his bike in the street) and we always keep the doors and blinds open so that we can hear and see. Plus I check on them about every...oh...5 seconds. They are good kids, but I worry. What if they get hit by a car? What if someone snatches them? What if they start to talk like the boys down the street who all (creepily) have the same speech impediment and say things like "Wook out Wucy it is vewy dangewous?" Alas, I have to believe they will be safe, they will build friendships and they will learn without me.

Here they are being hooligan's on the side of the road tonight. How could I deny this?

Christian apparently sold his left shoe for drugs...or legos.

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