I'll take a banana, shall I?

The whole time I have known Graham he has had a "security blanket" of some type. In the beginning it was clothes. Everywhere he went, he took clothes with him. He never actually changed his clothes or needed them for any particular reason, you would just catch him with a wadded up ball of clothing under his arm. Well, after a couple of years, he stopped this and moved on to fruit..bananas mostly.

Now, just as a side note, I'm not sure if it is a New Zealand thing or a Graham thing but all statements are actually rhetorical questions. Some examples that are popular: "You will like this, won't you?", "You're beautiful, aren't you?" and the best of all "I'll take a banana, shall I?" Now, this isn't just for long trips. It could be anywhere...the grocery store, the zoo, a funeral...it's always the same: "I'll take a banana, shall I?" The catch is, that most times he never really eats the banana. One time he actually carried a banana from Chicago O'Hare to Austin...never ate it, just carried it.

So, all this to say that we packed up our banana this weekend and headed to the Dallas zoo. Here's the banana gearing up for the long ride:

Here are the two big kids at the entrance of the zoo

Big Gorilla

"This monkey stuff is boring "

A rare sighting of the entire Scott family in one photo (thanks Nana!)

In the hotel room doing the bobsled!

We just drove up for one night and Lucy liked petting the bunnies the best. Christian liked the big fish the best (Botsch's, who does that remind you of?) and I just enjoyed the time with my family. Nana treated us to a great hotel and paid for our entrance into the zoo! All and all it was a highly successful trip.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, Graham took only one bite of the banana!

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