Pop Up

I have never had an addictive personality. I have never been a smoker, druggie or drinker....ok,ok...you can stop laughing Erin!! Yes, I enjoy some good wine and on occasion my Uhaul has hit a Bud Light truck...but for the most part, everything in moderation. I do, however, have an extremely obsessive personality. Once I get interested in something it consumes me. My most recent obsession is Popup campers. I have all of these romantic notions of all five of us in one of these beauties.

I can just picture it now. Dinning room tables that make into beds, miniature stoves and refrigerators, porta pottis...life doesn't get any better! Trips to the lake, to the beach, even DisneyWorld. The possibilities are endless! Never mind the fact I hate being outside...some of them even have showers!!!! I mean, look at this picture of me circa 1980s. Don't I just look like I LOVE to camp!

And, by the way, you might think I am joking but I have seriously spent hours on Craigslist trying to find something. And, no, I don't know why my obsession lies in a measly popup and not the mack-daddy travel trailers. What can I say...I'm a simple girl.

It's been a busy week for the Scott's. Christian has been a big boy, riding the bus for the first time. This is the first year that his mommy got over her paranoia and allowed him to be in a moving vehicle with no seat belts and a thousand screaming kids. Today was Grandparents day and he was so thrilled. I think he called Bree five times last night to make sure she remembered. Bree and Pa had lunch with him and I can only imagine how proud he was!

And, speaking of big boys, Wyatt is now sitting up for brief moments AND getting up on all fours. He's FOUR months old people!!! He's a freak of nature!

My job continues to go well. Every Friday is morning assembly day and last week I said the Pledge of Allegiance for the first time in probably 20 years...kind of fun really. Then we have all the kids who had a birthday that week stand up and we sing a birthday song. Not the original birthday song...a more 'contemporary" version complete with clapping. I've gotta say...I didn't really set out to work with kids. I really had my eyes on working with adults in a rehab or hospital setting. However, both last Friday and today, I got a little teary eyed during the birthday song. They all just so into and dance around and look so darn cute...I love it!! Yesterday I had a therapy session with 2 kindergartners and, I kid you not, I laughed for 30 minutes straight and I didn't understand a damn word either of them said for the entire 30 minutes!!! It just doesn't get much better than that! Now, let's hope I can have them at least somewhat intelligible by the end of the year!

Oh, and P.S., I have bronchitis...good times!

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