Walk this Way

I read a couple of different blogs and there are a couple of really popular things going around. One is making a list of 101 things to do in 2010 and the other is to post a picture a day for the whole year. The list of 101 things is right up my alley - I love making lists of things I know I'll never do - but it's kind of boring reading other people's lists. I mean, do you really care that I want to finish painting Lucy's room and shave my legs more than twice a month? Probably not. So the other thing would be to post a picture a day for 365 days.

Problem is, I'm not sure how interesting this will be either. On one of the blogs I read (dooce.com) she made a list of all the things she accomplished in 2009. It was so obnoxious to read about her achievements. But then I thought, hey I did stuff too!! I mean, yeah, she appeared on Oprah but I changed Wyatt's poopy diaper in the middle of the night without waking him - that isn't the stuff of amateurs people!

So here we are on day one of pictures. Scott family dancing to the Revenge of the 80s weekend.

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