Grey's Anatomy and Google M.D.

There should be a warning sign on the late night episodes of Grey's Anatomy: This episode could lead to Googling and self-diagnosis. Google is truly the best doctor I have ever had - it helped diagnose both my hypothyroidism and my shingles (btw- don't ever google "shingles pictures" EEESH!)

So at 10:30 last night there was an old episode of Grey's on and I had already had 2 cups of tea so I was going no where. Somewhere in the episode they mentioned a syndrome that included long fingers and deformity of the palate. So I googled it. Turns out it was more related to people who are more like giants. BUT, it mentioned another syndrome called Stickler Syndrome. Some of the signs of Stickler's include: Cleft palate (got it), connective tissue disorder (ophthamologist once said I had this but never heard anything else about it), heart murmur (got it), bad vision (had it fixed), but the kicker was that it mentioned unusual joint flexibility and, I kid you not, there were 2 pictures of people doing the exact party tricks that I have been doing for years!

All that to say, there are many other symptoms that I don't have so we won't make a definitive diagnosis yet...but how gross is that picture of my hand!!!

1 comment:

shashank said...

Here is a link to more information about the genetics of Stickler Syndrome that was prepared by our genetic counselor and which has links to some useful resources for those dealing with this condition: There is also a phone number listed if you need to speak to a genetic counselor by phone. I hope it helps. Thanks, AccessDNA