friends forever

I remember the day we met. I was 4 years old and you and your brother came over to play. We played Connect-4 and you totally cheated, but I totally didn't care. Kindergarten started shortly after. I should have been a kid terrified of starting school. I looked different and I was headed towards a lifetime of being teased. But I walked in with my head held high. First face I saw was yours , waving me over saying "Come sit with me." I had a friend.

I remember in the 4th grade when it was time to pick a musical instrument. You and I wanted to play the trumpet but my plastic surgeon said that having that much pressure on my lip all the time probably wasn't a good idea. I chose clarinet and so did you. The other boys teased you a little but you wanted to sit next to me in band class.

I remember the day I told you that I was moving away. It was raining, we were on the school bus, and you cussed.

I remember coming back for a visit and going to some random birthday party. One of the boys there said "You must be Kelli. Drew carries your picture in his wallet and talks about his beautiful best friend all the time."

I remember the night a friend of mine came to my house and we started talking about you. I started to cry but didn't know why. That was the night you died...I just didn't know it yet. It was a week later that my mom came in to tell me that your dad called the night before. I remember the emptiness I felt that day as real as if it were today.

I have all of your letters, all of your cards, all of your pictures. I miss you like I can't imagine ever missing anyone but I am so grateful to you and to God that I was lucky enough to have called you best friend.

Happy 36th Birthday (yesterday) Drew! Soon you will be gone longer than you were ever here. I look forward to catching you next time around.
your best friend
Kelli B.

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