Photo fun!

Wednesday night is dance night and it lasts for an hour and a half!!  SHEESH..the things we do for our kids!!  A couple of weeks ago, a new restaurant opened two doors down.  Now that we have happy hour, 1.5 hours doesn't seem so bad.  Christian and I have gone a couple of times for drinks and chips and salsa and today I brought along my camera to play around with my new lens.  This first pic is not my best composed picture but it's the only one where Christian has a decent expression - he truly is the world's worst model. 

Then we went back down to watch Lucy some.  Again, not the greatest photo but I just would like to point out that I took this picture of her dancing with NO flash..indoors! Amazing!

The next one was a bit tricky and still needs a little work but I love it! 

THEN, I discovered this website called Picnik  Do people know about this? Am I totally late to the party?  I LOVE it!!  It's how I got the above pictures to have rounded corners (although, the effect was ruined once I uploaded them to the blog...I'll have to keep working on it).  But, more importantly, it's how I managed this little gem:

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