AFS #2 (Walgreens)

This is Christian's excited face!

After school today we went to Walgreen's (or Greenwalls as Lucy calls it) because of the "FREE FLOSS."  You see, floss was on sale for $2 and then I got a $2 "reward"- which is just basically a coupon for $2 off next purchase.  So, I was really only out the $.17 for tax.  BUT this, of course, got my wheels turning.  Later, when we went to guitar lessons I just dropped Christian off and headed back to Greenwalls (Have I ever mentioned that I get a little obsessive about stuff?).  Bodywash was buy one get one, but I also had a B1G1 coupon so they were FREE!  Graham is never going to stink!  Lastly, they had a razor for $9.89 but I had a $4 off coupon AND I got another "reward" for $5 PLUS I used my $2 off from the floss.  So, for my total haul today, with tax, I spent a grand total of $1.83.  WHOOHOO.  Does the math of it all make your head spin? 'Cuz it kind of makes me geek out.

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