AFS #7

FREE modesty patches!

Someone at work was asking me about the register rewards at Walgreens and how they work. So, today we did a simple transaction to try and explain.  The Gillette body wash was buy 3 for $10 and get $3 in register rewards and the Softsoap body wash was buy 2 for $6 and get $4 in register rewards.  The RRs are not coupons really...they work exactly like cash on your next purchase.  So, this is how today's went. My original balance was a little over $16.  Then I had three $2 off coupons for the Gillette body wash.  This brought the balance down to a little over $10.  THEN I had a $5 register reward from my last purchase that I used. Final total was $5.40...BUT WAIT...there is more.  I paid the $5.40 and the machine printed my $3 and $4 RRs.  The woman behind me actually said "Wow! That is awesome!"

Indeed it is :)

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