I've been researching things to do with the kids over the summer and I think I finally have a winner.

I love me some bad TV and one of my new favorite obsessions is Extreme Couponing. I mean, who doesn't want 104 bags of croutons for a dollar? A DOLLAR! So, I promptly bought a newspaper on Sunday and clipped my coupons (which, by the way, I now pronounce "Koo-pons" instead of "Q-pons") and planned my first outing. If you don't have a CVS, you should be really really sad. I went there today and my haul makes me very very happy! I didn't get 104 bags of croutons but I did get the following: 2 tubes of toothpaste, 2 body washes, a razor and Tide stain remover. Guess how much I paid? A DOLLAR!

So, over the summer, my lovely assistants and I are going to play a game called "Adventures in Free Shit" (although, I guess I should call it "Stuff" in front of said lovely assistants). It's not exactly a summer vacay in Disneyland but it will get us out of the house.

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